
After you boot, the system displays a menu from which you can choose options to perform the
following tasks:
Install or upgrade the operating system using the PCSI utility.
Enter a DCL environment from which you can perform preinstallation or maintenance tasks
such as mounting or showing devices and backing up or restoring files on the system disk.
Shut down the system.
A.1.1.2 Booting from the InfoServer
To boot the operating system CD using either the InfoServer hardware or the InfoServer utility,
follow these steps. To use the InfoServer utility, certain configuration steps are required initially
(one time only), as described in Appendix C (page 227); note that the operating system CD must
be mounted systemwide.
1. At the console prompt (>>>), enter the SHOW DEVICE command and scan the devices listed
in the output to determine the name of the CD drive. Look for a device listed with its
hardware address, as in the last line of the following example; compare this information
with that provided by the table in step 2.
dva0.0.0.1000.0 DVA0 RX23
dka200. DKA200 RZ28M 1004
dka300. DKA300 RZ29B 0016
dka400. DKA400 RZ26L 442E
ewa0. EWA0 00-00-F8-1F-70-3D
For additional information, see the HP OpenVMS Version 8.4 for Alpha and Integrity Servers
Software Product Description (SPD 82.35.xx) and the hardware manuals that you received
with your Alpha computer.
2. At the console prompt, enter the following command, where lan-device-name is the
LAN device (for example, EWA0) identified with your computer:
>>> B -FLAGS 0,0 -FILE APB_084 lan-device-name
For information about the LAN devices your system supports, see Table A-1. Ethernet device
EWA0 refers to the first EW device. Subsequent devices are named EWB0, EWC0, and so
on. For most systems, you can use the SHOW CONFIGURATION console command to list
LAN devices available for boot. For additional information, see the hardware manuals that
you received with your Alpha computer and the OpenVMS software product description
(SPD). The APB file name in the previous command is the unique file name that was assigned
to the APB.EXE file when it was copied from the operating system CD to the InfoServer.
This file is the name of the APB program used for the initial system load (ISL) boot program.
Table A-1 Supported LAN Devices
FDDI DeviceEthernet DeviceAlpha Computer
-EOA0ALPHAbook 1
FWA0EWA0AlphaServer 400 series
FRA0ERA0, EWA0AlphaServer 1000 series
FWA0EWA0AlphaServer 1000A series
FWA0EWA0AlphaServer 1200 series
FRA0ERA0, EWA0AlphaServer 2000 series
FRA0ERA0, EWA0AlphaServer 2100, 2100A series
FWA0EWA0AlphaServer 4100 series
FXA0EXA0, EWA0AlphaServer 8200 series
FXA0EXA0, EWA0AlphaServer 8400 series
168 Booting and Shutting Down Your OpenVMS Alpha System