4 Before Upgrading the OpenVMS Operating System
This chapter describes which tasks you should perform prior to beginning an upgrade. Section 4.1
(page 83) includes a checklist that you can use to make sure you perform all the tasks described
in this chapter.
4.1 Preupgrade Tasks
Use the checklist in Table 4-1 to ensure that you perform all necessary tasks prior to upgrading
your system.
Table 4-1 Preupgrade Checklist
Section 4.2 (page 83)Review relevant documentation.□
Section 4.3 (page 84)Review notes, cautions, and restrictions about the following:
• Upgrade paths to Version 8.4
• Update license requirements
• Components you choose not to install
• Upgrade issues after the system disk directory structure has
been changed
• Licenses and possible reinstallation requirements for layered
Section 4.4 (page 85)Check for software that must be manually removed.□
Section 4.5 (page 87)Save files that you do not want deleted by the upgrade procedure.□
Section 4.7 (page 87)Prepare the system disk.□
Section 4.8 (page 91)Ensure that you have a recent FEEDBACK.DAT file.□
Section 4.9 (page 92)Perform required actions before upgrading in a volume shadowing
Section 4.10 (page 93)Back up the current system disk.□
Section 4.11 (page 94)Shut down the system.□
4.2 Documentation References
In addition to reviewing the information in this chapter, you might need to refer to the following
sources of information as well.
• Cover Letter for HP OpenVMS Version 8.4
• Software Product Descriptions included with your distribution kit
• HP OpenVMS Version 8.4 Release Notes
• HP OpenVMS Version 8.4 New Features and Documentation Overview
• HP OpenVMS Cluster Systems
• Guidelines for OpenVMS Cluster Configurations
• HP OpenVMS System Manager's Manual, Volume 2: Tuning, Monitoring, and Complex Systems
(specifically, the chapter entitled “Managing System Parameters”), for information about
using AUTOGEN, modifying the system parameters file (MODPARAMS.DAT), and related
4.1 Preupgrade Tasks 83