IMPORTANT: Any system parameters that you modified and did not enter in the
SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT file are lost during the upgrade. To retain these parameters,
enter their names and the values that you have in use for them in
SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT. When AUTOGEN runs after the upgrade, it uses the values
For example, if the current value of GBLPAGES is 30000, and you modified GBLPAGES by 128
pages above the default, add the following line to SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT:
MIN_GBLPAGES=30128 !Increased by 128 by PLM for product z 12/12/04
AUTOGEN compares the computed value of GBLPAGES with this MIN_ value (30128). If the
computed value is less than the specified MIN_ value, AUTOGEN increases the value of
GBLPAGES to the MIN_ value. Each time AUTOGEN runs, it makes the same comparison and
adjusts the value of GBLPAGES, but never below the minimum indicated by MIN_GBLPAGES.
IMPORTANT: If you modify system parameters, note the following:
• In general, you should allow AUTOGEN to calculate system parameters. You can hardcode
values (such as GBLPAGES=value), but doing so overrides AUTOGEN and might not allow
it to set an optimal value based on observed usage.
• Whenever possible, use MIN_parameter values (such as MIN_GBLPAGES) to set the minimum
value that can be set for a parameter by AUTOGEN. AUTOGEN increases the value if
necessary. It also adjusts related parameters, unless they are hardcoded, in which case
information is provided in the AGEN$PARAMS.REPORT file. Use MAX_parameter values
to set a maximum value when you need to limit a parameter to a known maximum value.
• Enter numeric values as integers, without commas (for example, 10000). Enter alphabetic
characters in lowercase or uppercase.
• HP recommends that you include comments in the MODPARAMS.DAT file indicating who
changed the value, when it was done, and why it was done. An exclamation point serves
as a comment starter and can appear anywhere on a line. The following is an example
illustrating the modifications recommended in the preceding bulleted items:
! the following changes made by K.Newcomb on 9/20/03
SWAPFILE=0 ! don’t re-size the SWAPFILE on AUTOGEN runs
MIN_gblsections=750 ! required for DECwindows MOTIF
MIN_NPAGEDYN=2750000 ! set npagedyn to a min of 2.75 million
For more information about using AUTOGEN as recommended, see Section 7.24 (page 162).
If your system was upgraded previously, a new SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT file was
created then. This file has comments and possibly duplicated entries that were created during
that upgrade. If you upgrade again, SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT can become unnecessarily
large and potentially confusing. HP recommends that you edit and reorganize
SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT before you upgrade again.
NOTE: On a cluster system disk, the MODPARAMS.DAT file should exist in
SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSEXE] for each root. You must edit MODPARAMS.DAT as necessary for each
4.8 Ensuring You Have a Recent FEEDBACK.DAT File
Before upgrading your system, HP recommends that you have a recent AGEN$FEEDBACK.DAT
file. This file is in SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYSEXE] (that is, in [SYSx.SYSEXE], where x is the root; for
example, SYS0 or SYS1). In OpenVMS Cluster systems, this file should exist in each node’s
4.8 Ensuring You Have a Recent FEEDBACK.DAT File 91