Choose one or more items from the menu separated by commas:
1.4.7 Using the Patches and Recovery Data Option (7)
Select option 7 to install or undo patches and to perform related operations. When you select
option 7, the following options submenu appears:
This procedure can perform one of the following operations:
1) Install one or more patches
2) Undo recent patches for which there is recovery data
3) Show recovery data
4) Delete recovery data
5) Find patch kits
Enter CHOICE or X to return to main menu: (1/2/3/4/5/X)
Note the following about these options:
• When you choose submenu option 1, the following information is displayed:
NOTE: Some patch kits cannot be correctly installed by this
procedure; this includes patch kits for versions of
OpenVMS prior to V8.3. Patches for OpenVMS V8.3 and
later install correctly. For patches to other products,
check with the patch kit provider, or install the patch
from the running system.
Options 2 through 5 (undo, show, delete, and find) will work
correctly for all patch kits.
• When you choose submenu option 1, 2, 3, or 4, you are prompted for the target device on
which to perform the operation:
You must enter the device name for the target disk on which
the operation will be performed.
Enter device name for target disk: (? for choices) [DKB300]
• When you choose submenu option 1, you are prompted to choose detailed or brief
descriptions, as follows:
The patch operation can provide brief or detailed descriptions.
In either case, you can request the detailed descriptions by typing ?.
Do you always want detailed descriptions? (Yes/No) [No]
• For each of the submenu options (1 through 5), you are prompted for the patch kit source.
You can specify alternate locations. You can use wildcards when you specify the location.
The prompt and introductory information are displayed as follows:
This procedure will look for patch kits in
If you want to add an additional location, enter the
device and directory specification and press return.
Wildcards are allowed. For example:
Enter the single letter "D" to reset the default location.
If you do not want to add an additional location, just press return
without entering anything.
1.4 Using the Operating System Menu 39