
See the JET User Guide, JUST Users Guide, and other related documentation for testing located
\opt\scansw\docs\stt directory on the Windows® Support Management Station
/opt/scansw/docs/stt directory on the HP-UX Support Management Station
IMPORTANT: After scan testing successfully completes, reset the complex by cycling the AC
Power Cycling After Using JET
After using JET, you must recycle the system power because the offline diagnostic can deallocate
the CPUs.
To remove the 48 V power, run the MP pe command. Then cycle the ac breakers on the rear of
the cabinets. For details on power cycling the system, see Appendix C (page 173). Leave power
off for about 30 seconds to allow the backplane CSRs to reset.
IMPORTANT: If the complex has any IOX cabinets with IDs 8 or 9, you must power cycle these
cabinets in the proper sequence.
Offline Diagnostic Environment
Now that scan has been run, you can run all the appropriate diagnostics for this system. See the
offline diagnostic environment (ODE) documentation for instructions.
Attaching the Rear Kick Plates
Kick plates protect cables from accidentally being disconnected or damaged and add an attractive
cosmetic touch to the cabinet. You must attach three metal kick plates to the bottom rear of the
To install the kick plates, follow these steps:
1. Hold the left kick plate in position and attach a clip nut (0590-2318) on the cabinet column
next to the hole in the flange at the top of the kick plate (Figure 3-53).
2. Using a screw (0515-0671) and a T-25 driver, attach the flange on the kick plate to the nut
3. Using a T-10 driver and a screw, attach the bottom of the kick plate to the center hole in the
leveling foot.
Offline Diagnostic Environment 109