
NOTE: The Power Good LED is a bicolor LED (green and yellow).
Table A-4 PDH Status and Power Good LED States
When illuminated, it tells the end user that the
system is ready to boot.
Boot Is BlockedBIB
This references non-volatile memory that
manageability and system firmware share. When
illuminated, the system is ready to begin fetching
Shared Memory GoodSMG
When illuminated, PDHC is communicating with
the MP.
Universal Serial BusUSB
When blinking, the PDHC processor is running
and the cell board can be powered on.
Heart BeatHB
Solid green - All power is operating within
Blinking yellow - Voltage rail(s) have been lost
and the cell board has shutdown.
Solid green but blinking yellow - Cell board is
still operating, but one of the redundant
converters has failed on one of the voltage rails.
Power GoodPower Good
148 sx2000 LEDs