
This command resets and boots the specified partition. The utility system resets each cell that is
a member of the specified partition. Once all cells have reset, the partition boots. If you are either
Administrator or Operator, you can choose a partition.
Example B-24 RS Command
SA Command
SA - Set Access Parameters
Access level—Administrator
This command modifies the enablement of interfaces including telnet, SSH, modem, network
diagnostics, IPMI LAN, Web console, and so on.
Example B-25 SA Command
[spudome] MP:CM> sa
This command displays and allows modification of access parameters.
T - Telnet access : Enabled
H - Secure Shell access : Enabled
N - Network Diagnostics : Enabled
D - DIAG Menu : Enabled
I - IPMI Lan access : Enabled
Select access mode to change :
See also: EL, DL, DI, ND, PARPERM
SO Command
SO - Security Options and Access Control Configuration
Access level—Administrator
This command modifies the security options and access control to the MP handler. The following
parameters can be modified:
Login timeout
Number of password faults allowed
SA Command 167