C H A P T E R 6 CLI Command Summary
config dns zones
Displays the statistical information of the specified zone.
config dns zones <zonename> stats
zonename is the name of the zone whose statistical information
you wish to view.
Zone: mysite-ex.com
Queries: 0 Referrals: 0
Host: host1.com
Queries: 0 Referrals: 0
Information displayed:
• Number of Queries and Referrals of the specified zone.
• Each hostname currently committed under the specified zone
• Number of Queries and Referrals for each hostname under the
config dns zones
Creates an authority record for the specified zone. Each zone can
have up to five authority records and should have a minimum of
two. Valid authority records require a fully qualified authority
name (<authorityname>). Authority names cannot exceed
255 characters.
config dns zones <zonename> create-authority
<authorityname> ip <ip address>
zonename is the name of the zone for which you wish to create
an authority record.
authorityname is the name (hostname) of the host you wish
to designate as an authority for the specified zone.
ip address is the IP address of the host you wish to designate
as an authority for the specified zone.
Command Description
Config DNS Zones Commands