C H A P T E R 6 CLI Command Summary
Information is displayed one page at a time if the file size is
greater than 500K even when more (‘paging’) is disabled. This
info command (at the root level) displays only current
configurations, i.e., ‘committed’ changes (performed in the
Config branch). This is the same information displayed from info
commands on the Show branch of the CLI commands.
System Information
Including the 7190’s unit identifier, MAC address, IP address,
Netmask, Broadcast, Default Route, and Nameservers.
SNMP Information
Including SNMP state (running or stopped), if auto-topology
state (enabled or not), agent port, SysName, SysLocation,
Community information, Trap information
Software Information
For each installed version: Image index number, Product
description, Version number, Patch number, Build number
CLI Information
Number of concurrent Telnet sessions allowed, Root prompt,
(number allowed of) Login attempts, More (‘paging’) state,
(number of) Screenlines, System ID, CLI Timeout value, CLI
port number, Wizard state (enabled or disabled)
NTP Servers Information
Displays information about any configured NTP servers.
DNS Information
Primary or secondary (state), Logging state, Flash Information
(Flash state, Polling Interval, Max Broadcast Delay, aliasing
state, Number of Polls, Drop Misses), Agent information and
services configured under each agent, ISV Group information
and services under the ISV, Zone information, Hostname and
information (load balancing method), and Site Services
Exits the current logged-in session.
Command Description
Global System Commands