C H A P T E R 6 CLI Command Summary
Command Description
community create
Specifies community strings that the 7190 accepts on incoming
SNMP requests. Up to 10 community strings can be created.
config sys snmp community create <string> ip [<IP
address>|any] rights [ro|rw]
where string is the name of the community you wish to create,
ip address is the IP address of the host from which you
accept this community string. If any is specified, the community
string is accepted on requests from any IP address.
ro means the
community string has read-only privilege. rw means the
community string has read-write privilege. The default
community strings are
public any ro and private any
community delete
Deletes a community string that the 7190 can accept on incoming
SNMP requests.
config sys snmp community delete <string> ip [<ip
address> | any]
where: string is the name of the community string you wish to
delete, and
ip address is the IP address of the host from
which you do not accept this community string. If
any is
specified, the community string does not accept requests from any
IP address.
trap create
Allows you to specify the host to which 7190 sends SNMP traps.
Up to 10 trap receivers can be created. By default the trap receiver
list is empty, that is, no traps are sent.
config sys snmp trap create <ip address> community
<community string>
where ip address is the IP address of the host to which you
wish to send SNMP traps. community string is sent with all
traps sent to the IP address.
config sys snmp
trap port
Specifies the trap port number.
The port number is between 5020 and 65535. Default is 162.
config sys snmp trap port <trap port>
where trap port is the designated number.
Config Sys SNMP Commands