C H A P T E R 6 CLI Command Summary
config sys
ssh info
Displays the current status of SSH enable or disable. If the status
was just changed, it reflects the changed status that is pending for
the reboot.
ssh enable
Enables SSH connections the next time the box is rebooted.
ssh disable
Disables SSH connections the next time the box is rebooted.
config sys
wizard info
Displays information about whether the Wizard is enabled or
disabled. By default, Wizard is enabled.
wizard enable
Enables the Quick Start Wizard. The Quick Start Wizard is an
automated, interactive method to configure the 7190. It is
available only through the serial port if enabled after Boot
wizard disable
Disables the Quick Start Wizard.
ntp create
NOTE: If you used
selected Flash load
balancing in the Quick
Start Wizard, you need to
configure NTP.
Adds an NTP server.
ntp create <ntpserver>
ntpserver is the fully qualified hostname or the IP address of
the Network Time Protocol Server.
ntp delete
Deletes an NTP server.
ntp delete <ntpserver>
ntpserver is the fully qualified hostname or the IP address of
the Network Time Protocol Server.
config sys
ntp info
Displays information about any configured NTP servers.
Command Description
Config Sys Commands