A P P E N D I X A System Log
DNSD: The DNS Server Daemon process
This process logs a message when it is started and when reading in
the configuration. Severe or fatal errors are logged with a preceding
“ERROR”. Others messages may be logged with or without
“WARNING” based on the nature of the event.
This message is logged when the dns server is started.
Aug 2 14:28:03 madagascar DNSD: Starting 7190
DNS Server
This message is logged when the dns server reads the configuration
file at boot time.
Aug 2 14:28:03 madagascar DNSD: Reading in
Aug 2 14:28:04 madagascar DNSD: Finished
processing cfg -> Host recs: 165; Agent recs:
2; Authority recs 10
WDOG: The Watch Dog process
This process is in charge of monitoring all background processes.
Watchdog starts all the background process before the user is logged
in. If any of the above processes die, watch dog restarts them. This
information is logged to the system log.
This message is logged when the watch dog monitor starts running.
Aug 2 14:28:04 madagascar WDOG: Info: Watchdog
Monitor started (201)
These messages are logged when a process terminates and restarts
Watch Dog also restarts all dependent process with the process that
was restarted.
Aug 2 14:28:05 madagascar WDOG: Info: Process
801 terminated. /usr/local/geo/bin/nca
Aug 2 14:28:05 madagascar WDOG: Info: Process
10297 started. /usr/local/geo/bin/nca