C H A P T E R 4Intel® NetStructure™ 7190 Multi-Site Traffic Director User Guide
Step 7. Configure the Secondary 7190.
Configuration of secondary 7190s is very easy. First you use the Boot
Monitor to configure the hardware and network information (see the
chapter on Installation, Startup and Configuration). Then you choose
“Become a Secondary” in the Quick Start Wizard when it comes up.
Enter the IP address of the primary 7190 ( In a matter of
seconds after issuing the command the secondary has a copy of the
configuration from the primary. Subsequent commit commands
automatically transfer the configuration to every attached secondary.
This automatic process of transferring (copying) a configuration from
primary to secondary 7190s is called Global Sync.
Step 8. Delegate authority to the 7190s.
The primary name sever responsible for the mstd-ex.com domain
needs to be modified. The modifications vary depending on the type
and version of the DNS server used. For this example it is assumed
that a Bind server is being used.
At a Bind DNS server, add the following lines to the database file for
the mstd-ex.com domain. Typically this file would be called
something like “db.mstd-ex”.
geo.mstd-ex.com. IN NS nswc.mstd-ex.com.
geo.mstd-ex.com. IN NS nsec.mstd-ex.com.
nswc.mstd-ex.com. IN A
nsec.mstd-ex.com. IN A
www.mstd-ex.com. CNAME www.geo.mstd-ex.com.
Step 9. Verify the configuration and network operation.
There are many tools available to accomplish this step. The simplest
is to ping www.mstd-ex.com. Since we have initially configured for
Weighted Round Robin (with a weight of 1) we expect to ping After waiting at least 60 seconds (the default Time To
Live for a 7190 response) perform another ping. This time it should
ping Performing this a third time should result in the first
service being pinged again.