C H A P T E R 6Intel® NetStructure™ 7190 Multi-Site Traffic Director User Guide
config dns flash
Sets the maximum time delayed before a response is returned,
setting the maximum tolerated network latency between peer
Flash agents. Default value is 5000ms. Range is 0 to 30,000ms.
config dns flash max-delay <number>
Specifies the interval, in seconds, at which a Flash agent polls its
peer agents to determine the network latency to each peer. Default
value is 10 seconds. Range is 1 to 255.
config dns flash poll-interval <number>
Defines the number of data points involved in calculating the
average network latency to a Flash agent. Each data point is the
result of one completed poll. The default value is 100. Range is
10 to 255.
config dns flash num-polls <number>
drop-miss <number
of misses>
Specifies the number of consecutive missed poll responses
allowed before a flash peer is marked “unavailable”.
Enables or disables IP aliasing. The show dns flash info
command displays whether aliasing is enabled or disabled.
Command Description
Config DNS Flash Commands