
Extensible Firmware Interface Specification
226 12/12/00 Version 1.02
StrUpr Converts all the Unicode characters in a Null-terminated
Unicode string to upper case Unicode characters. See
Section 13.1.4 .
FatToStr Converts an 8.3 FAT file name using an OEM character set to a
Null-terminated Unicode string. See Section 13.1.5.
StrToFat Converts a Null-terminated Unicode string to legal characters in
a FAT filename using an OEM character set. See Section 13.1.6.
SupportedLanguages A Null-terminated ASCII string that contains one or more
ISO 639-2 language codes.
The UNICODE_COLLATION protocol is used to perform case-insensitive comparisons of Unicode
One or more of the UNICODE_COLLATION protocols may be present at one time. Each protocol
instance can support one or more language codes. The language codes that are supported in the
UNICODE_COLLATION interface is declared in SupportedLanguages.
The SupportedLanguages field is a list of one or more 3 character language codes in a Null-
terminated ASCII string. These language codes come from the ISO 639-2 Specification. For
example, if the protocol supports English, then the string eng would be returned. If it supported
both English and Spanish, then engspa would be returned.
The main motivation for this protocol is to help support file names in a file system driver. When a
file is opened, a file name needs to be compared to the file names on the disk. In some cases, this
comparison needs to be performed in a case-insensitive manner. In addition, this protocol can be
used to sort files from a directory or to perform a case-insensitive file search.