Extensible Firmware Interface Specification
238 12/12/00 Version 1.02
UINT32 RouteTableEntries;
Started TRUE if this device has been started by calling Start(). This
field is set to TRUE by the Start() function and to FALSE by
the Stop() function.
Ipv6Available TRUE if the Simple Network Protocol being used supports IPv6.
Ipv6Supported TRUE if this PXE Base Code Protocol implementation supports
UsingIpv6 TRUE if this device is currently using IPv6. This field is set by
the Start() function.
BisSupported TRUE if this PXE Base Code implementation supports Boot
Integrity Services (BIS). This field is set by the Start()
BisDetected TRUE if this device and the platform support Boot Integrity
Services (BIS). This field is set by the Start() function.
AutoArp TRUE for automatic ARP packet generation; FALSE otherwise.
This field is initialized to TRUE by Start(), and can be
modified with the SetParameters() function.
SendGUID This field is used to change the Client Hardware Address
(chaddr) field in the DHCP and Discovery packets. Set to TRUE
to send the SystemGuid (if one is available). Set to FALSE to
send the client NIC MAC address. This field is initialized to
FALSE by Start(), and can be modified with the
SetParameters() function.
DhcpDiscoverValid This field is initialized to FALSE by the Start() function and
set to TRUE when the Dhcp() function completes successfully.
When TRUE, the DhcpDiscover field is valid. This field can
also be changed by the SetPackets() function.
DhcpAckReceived This field is initialized to FALSE by the Start() function and
set to TRUE when the Dhcp() function completes successfully.
When TRUE, the DhcpAck field is valid. This field can also be
changed by the SetPackets() function.