Extensible Firmware Interface Specification
470 12/12/00 Version 1.02
Device I/O Protocol, 137
AllocateBuffer (), 147, 150
Flush(), 149
Io(), 141
Map(), 144
Mem(), 141
Pci(), 141
PciDevicePath (), 143
Unmap(), 146
GUID, 138
Interface Structure, 138
Device I/O, overview, 137
Device Path
for IDE disk, 339
for legacy floppy, 338
for Secondary Root PCI Bus with PCI to
PCI Bridge, 341
Device Path Generation, Rules, 133
Hardware vs. Messaging Device Paths,
Housekeeping, 133
Media Device Path, 136
Other, 136
with ACPI _ADR, 135
with ACPI _HID and _UID, 134
Device Path Protocol, 117
GUID, 118
Interface Structure, 118
Device Path, ACPI, 123
Device Path, BIOS Boot Specification, 136
Device Path, hardware
memory-mapped, 122
PCI, 121
vendor, 122
Device Path, media, 129
Boot Specification, 133
CD-ROM Media, 131
File Path Media, 132
hard drive, 129
Media Protocol, 132
Vendor-Defined Media, 131
Device Path, messaging, 123
1394, 125
ATAPI, 124
FibreChannel, 124
O, 126
InfiniBand, 128
IPv4, 127
IPv6, 127
MAC Address, 126
SCSI, 124
UART, 128
USB, 125
USB class, 126
Vendor-Defined, 129
Device Path, nodes
ACPI Device Path, 119
BIOS Boot Specification Device Path,
End Entire Device Path, 120
End of Hardware Device Path, 119
End This Instance of a Device Path, 120
generic, 119
Hardware Device Path, 119
Media Device Path, 119
Messaging Device Path, 119
Device Path,overview, 117
DHCP packet, 242
Disk I/O Protocol, 183
ReadDisk(), 185
WriteDisk(), 186
GUID, 183
Interface Structure, 183
Revision Number, 183
attributes, 3
audience, 5
contents, 2
goals, 3
introduction, 1
organization, 2
purpose, 1
scope, 1
Driver, EFI, 110
EFI Application, 110, 305
EFI Application, definition of, 363
EFI Boot Manager, 306
EFI Boot Services Table, 111