
Extensible Firmware Interface Specification
278 12/12/00 Version 1.02
Revision Revision of the EFI_SIMPLE_NETWORK Protocol. All future revisions
must be backwards compatible. If a future version is not backwards
compatible it is not the same GUID.
Start Prepares the network interface for further command operations. No
other EFI_SIMPLE_NETWORK interface functions will operate until
this call is made.
Stop Stops further network interface command processing. No other
EFI_SIMPLE_NETWORK interface functions will operate after this call
is made until another Start call is made.
Initialize Resets the network adapter and allocates the transmit and receive buffers.
Reset Resets the network adapter and re-initializes it with the parameters
provided in the previous call to Initialize.
Shutdown Resets the network adapter and leaves it in a state that is safe for another
driver to initialize. The memory buffers assigned in the Initialize
call are released. After this call, only the Initialize or Stop calls
may be used.
ReceiveFilters Enables and disables the receive filters for the network interface and, if
supported, manages the filtered multicast HW MAC (Hardware Media
Access Control) address list.
StationAddress Modifies or resets the current station address, if supported.
Statistics Collects statistics from the network interface and allows the statistics to
be reset.
MCastIpToMac Maps a multicast IP address to a multicast HW MAC address.
NvData Reads and writes the contents of the NVRAM devices attached to the
network interface.
GetStatus Reads the current interrupt status and the list of recycled transmit buffers
from the network interface.
Transmit Places a packet in the transmit queue.
Receive Retrieves a packet from the receive queue, along with the status flags
that describe the packet type.
WaitForPacket Event used with WaitForEvent() to wait for a packet to be received.
Mode Pointer to the EFI_SIMPLE_NETWORK_MODE data for the device. See
“Related Definitions”.