Extensible Firmware Interface Specification
240 12/12/00 Version 1.02
StationIp The device’s current IP address. This field is initialized to a zero
address by Start(). This field is set when the
Dhcp()function completes successfully. This field can also be
set by the SetStationIp() function.
SubnetMask The device’s current subnet mask. This field is initialized to a
zero address by the Start() function. This field is set when
the Dhcp()function completes successfully. This field can also
be set by the SetStationIp() function.
DhcpDiscover Cached DHCP Discover packet. This field is zero-filled by the
Start() function, and is set when the Dhcp() function
completes successfully. The contents of this field can replaced
by the SetPackets() function.
DhcpAck Cached DHCP Ack packet. This field is zero-filled by the
Start() function, and is set when the Dhcp() function
completes successfully. The contents of this field can be
replaced by the SetPackets() function.
ProxyOffer Cached Proxy Offer packet. This field is zero-filled by the
Start() function, and is set when the Dhcp() function
completes successfully. The contents of this field can be
replaced by the SetPackets() function.
PxeDiscover Cached PXE Discover packet. This field is zero-filled by the
Start() function, and is set when the Discover() function
completes successfully. The contents of this field can be
replaced by the SetPackets() function.
PxeReply Cached PXE Reply packet. This field is zero-filled by the
Start() function, and is set when the Discover() function
completes successfully. The contents of this field can be replaced
by the SetPackets() function.
PxeBisReply Cached PXE BIS Reply packet. This field is zero-filled by the
Start() function, and is set when the Discover() function
completes successfully. This field can be replaced by the
SetPackets() function.
IpFilter The current IP receive filter settings. The receive filter is
disabled and the number of IP receive filters is set to zero by the
Start() function, and is set by the SetIpFilter()
ArpCacheEntries The number of valid entries in the ARP cache. This field is reset
to zero by the Start() function.
ArpCache Array of cached ARP entries.