Version 1.02 12/12/00 63
Related Definitions
typedef enum {
AllHandles Protocol and SearchKey are ignored and the function
returns an array of every handle in the system.
ByRegisterNotify SearchKey supplies the Registration value returned by
RegisterProtocolNotify(). The function returns the
next handle that is new for the registration. Only one handle is
returned at a time, and the caller must loop until no more handles
are returned. Protocol is ignored for this search type.
ByProtocol All handles that support Protocol are returned. SearchKey
is ignored for this search type.
The LocateHandle() function returns an array of handles that match the SearchType
request. If the input value of BufferSize is too small, the function returns
EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL and updates BufferSize to the size of the buffer needed to obtain
the array.
Status Codes Returned
EFI_SUCCESS The array of handles was returned.
EFI_NOT_FOUND No handles match the search.
BufferSize is too small for the result.
BufferSize has been updated with the size needed to
complete the request.
EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER One of the parameters has an invalid value.