IXP400 Software
Access-Layer Components: DMA Access Driver (IxDmaAcc) API
April 2005 IXP400 Software Version 2.0 Programmer’s Guide
116 Document Number: 252539, Revision: 007
• IxDmaAcc has no knowledge on the devices that involve in the DMA transfer. The client is
responsible for ensuring the devices are initialized and configured correctly before request for
DMA transfer.
8.5 Dependencies
Figure 43 shows the functional dependencies of IxDmaAcc component. IxDmaAcc depends on:
• Client component using IxDmaAcc for DMA transfer access
• ixQMgr component to configure and use the Queue Manager hardware queues
• OSAL layer for error handling
• NPE to perform DMA transfer
8.6 DMA Access-Layer API
One of the primary roles of the IxDmaAcc is to provide DMA services to different clients. These
DMA services are offered through a set of functions that initialize, transfer, and display the data
that needs direct memory access.
Figure 43. ixDmaAcc Dependencies
QMgr ixOsal