IXP400 Software
Software Architecture Overview
Programmer’s Guide IXP400 Software Version 2.0 April 2005
Document Number: 252539, Revision: 007 29
2.3 Operating System Support
The Intel XScale microarchitecture offers a broad range of tools together with support for two
widely adopted operating systems. The software release 2.0 supports VxWorks* and the standard
Linux* 2.4 kernel. MontaVista* software will provide the support for Linux. Support for other
operating systems may be available. For further information, visit the following Internet site:
The software release 2.0’s software library is OS-independent in that all components are written in
ANSI-C with no direct calls to any OS library function that is not covered by ANSI-C. A thin
abstraction layer is provided for some operating services (timers, mutexs, semiphores, and thread
management), which can be readily modified to support additional operating systems. This enables
the devices to be compatible with multiple operating systems and allows customers the flexibility
to port the IXP4XX product line and IXC1100 control plane processors to their OS of choice.
2.4 Development Tools
The Intel XScale microarchitecture offers a broad range of tools together with support for two
widely adopted operating systems. Developers have a wide choice of third-party tools including
compilers, linkers, debuggers and board-support packages (BSPs). Tools include Wind River*
Tornado* 2.2.1 for the VxWorks 5.5.1 real-time operating system, Wind River’s PLATFORM for
Network Equipment* and the complete GNU* Linux* development suite.
Refer to the release notes accompanying the software for information on specific OS support.
2.5 Access Library Source Code Documentation
The access library source code uses a commenting style that supports the Doxygen* tool for use in
creating source code documentation. Doxygen is an open-source tool, that reads appropriately
commented source code and produces hyper-linked documentation of the APIs suitable for on-line
browsing (HTML).
The documentation output is typically multiple HTML files, but Doxygen can be configured to
produce LaTeX*, RTF (Rich Text Format*), PostScript, hyper-linked PDF, compressed HTML,
and Unix* man pages. Doxygen is available for Linux, Windows* and other operating systems.
For more information, use the following Web URL:
The IXP400 software compressed file contains the HTML source code documentation at
ixp400_xscale_sw\doc\index.html. This output is suitable for online browsing. For a
printable reference, see the Adobe* Portable Document Format (PDF) file, contained in the
compressed software-download file.