IXP400 Software
Access-Layer Components: Ethernet Access (IxEthAcc) API
Programmer’s Guide IXP400 Software Version 2.0 April 2005
Document Number: 252539, Revision: 007 153
• IxEthAccMibIIStatsGet() — Returns the statistics maintained for a port
• IxEthAccMibIIStatsGetClear() — Returns and clears the statistics maintained for a port
• IxEthAccMibIIStatsClear() — Clears the statistics maintained for a port
Table 23. Managed Objects for Ethernet Receive
Object Increment Criteria
dot3StatsAlignmentErrors RFC-2665 definition
dot3StatsFCSErrors RFC-2665 definition
Received frames dropped because either the internal buffering
capability of the NPE has been overrun (possibly because
insufficient free IX_OSAL_MBUFs were available).
RxLearnedEntryDiscards Received frame dropped due to MAC destination address filtering.
RxLargeFramesDiscards Received frames dropped by the frame size filtering service.
RxSTPBlockedDiscards Received frame dropped by the spanning tree port blocking service.
Received frame dropped by the VLAN ingress acceptable frame
type filtering service.
RxVLANIdFilterDiscards Received frame dropped by the VLAN ingress filtering service.
Received frames dropped by the invalid source MAC address
filtering firewall service.
Received frames dropped by the MAC address blocking firewall
Received frames dropped by the MAC address admission firewall
Received frame dropped due to replenishing starvation.
An Underflow Discard occurs when the Ethernet Rx Free Queue
becomes empty. When the NPE receives an Ethernet frame it looks
to the “Rx Free” queue to find an empty buffer where it can place the
incoming Ethernet packet. If no buffer is available (i.e., the queue is
empty) then the NPE drops the packet.
To troubleshoot this problem, ensure the
ixEthAccPortRxFreeReplenish is providing enough empty buffers to
the Ethernet Rx Free Queue. Possible root causes of replenish
starvation can be that this function is either not getting the CPU time
to execute with sufficient frequency, or buffers in the system are not
being recycled in an efficient manner to allow the Rx Free queue
replenishment to occur.