IXP400 Software
Endianness in Intel
IXP400 Software
Programmer’s Guide IXP400 Software Version 2.0 April 2005
Document Number: 252539, Revision: 007 359
The code below provides the read-out formation after the application of a conversion macro.
Effectively, the header comes in as Big-Endian and is then output as Little-Endian.
The following shows the IP header structure and outlines how the payload would be read from the
Intel XScale core in Little-Endian Data Coherent mode:
struct iphdr {
__u8version:4,hlen:4;/* Offset 0*/
__u8tos;/* Offset 1 byte*/
__u16tot_len;/* Offset 2 bytes*/
__u16id;/* Offset 4 bytes*/
__u16frag_off; /* Offset 6 bytes*/
__u8ttl;/* Offset 8 bytes*/
__u8protocol;/* Offset 9 bytes*/
__u16check;/* Offset 0xA bytes*/
__u32saddr;/* Offset 0xC bytes*/
__u32daddr;/* Offset 0xF bytes*/
/*The IP options start here. */
The Header contents assume the following reads: (See Figure 119)
• Half-word read at DA[1], half-word-aligned
• Word read at DA[2], word-aligned
• Word read at SA[3], word-aligned
• Half-word read type/len field, word-aligned
• Half-word read SA[5], half-word-aligned.
dst-ip[3] dst-ip[2] dst-ip[1] dst-ip[0]
UDP/TCP Header
803.2 Destination MAC Address
802.3 Source MAC Address
802.3 Type
Internet Protocol
UDP/TCP Header
Figure 118. One Half-Word-Aligned Ethernet Frame (Continued)(LE Address Coherent)
Figure 119. Intel XScale
Core Read of IP Header (LE Data Coherent)
D0 D1 D2 D3
DA[1] DA[0]
DA[5] DA[4] DA[3] DA[2]
SA[3] SA[2] SA[1] SA[0]
Type/Len (swapped) SA[5] SA[4]
ver/hlen TOS 16-bit Total length (swapped)