IXP400 Software
Access-Layer Components: Performance Profiling (IxPerfProfAcc) API
Programmer’s Guide IXP400 Software Version 2.0 April 2005
Document Number: 252539, Revision: 007 251
The client will call IxPerfProfAcc to access specific performance statistics of the Intel XScale
core’s PMU and internal bus PMU.
IxPerfProfAcc depends on the OS Services component for error handling and reporting, and for
timer services like timestamp measurements.
17.7 Error Handling
IxPerfProfAcc returns an error type to the client and the client is expected to handle the error.
Internal errors will be reported using the IxPerfProfAcc specific error handling mechanism as
listed in IxPerfProfAccStatus. The Access Layer component will only return success or fail errors
to its client. Any errors within the Access Layer will be logged and output to the screen using
existing mechanisms.
17.8 Interrupt Handling
Both the PMUs generate interrupts when accessing the counters to obtain data. The Xcycle
component on the other hand, disables the IRQ and FIQ during its calibration of the baseline. Any
other components requiring interrupts during these periods may be affected.
Figure 84. IxPerfProfAcc Dependencies
Internal Bus
Intel XScale
Core PMU
Component A depends on component B.