IXP400 Software
Endianness in Intel
IXP400 Software
April 2005 IXP400 Software Version 2.0 Programmer’s Guide
362 Document Number: 252539, Revision: 007
\vxworks\include\platforms\ixp400 \IxOsalOsIxp400CustomizedMappings.h. Further information
on the VxWorks memory map is available in the VxWorks BSP documentation for the supported
development platforms. Depending on their implementations, other operating systems may provide
similar files/documents.
The macros shown in “Intel® IXP400 Software Macros” on page 362 are provided for use in the
IXP400 software components. The defines are correct for software release 2.0, but may change for
other releases.
Table 68 shows the endian conversion macros that need to be mapped for developer usage.
27.5.6 VxWorks* Considerations
Both the AHB Queue Manager and NPE debug control registers (NPE message handler component
ixNpeMh) are placed in Data Coherent Little-Endian mode. As the NPE debug registers are in APB
space, and other APB registers are mapped in Address Coherent mode, a Data Coherent alias for
the APB bus is defined.
Table 67. Intel
IXP400 Software Macros
Table 68. Endian Conversion Macros
Macro Behavior Description
BE_XSTOBUSL() No swap Big-Endian XScale to Bus Long
BE_XSTOBUSS() No swap Big-Endian XScale to Bus Short
BE_BUSTOXSL() No swap Big-Endian Bus to XScale Long
BE_BUSTOXSS() No swap Big-Endian Bus to XScale Short
LE_AC_ XSTOBUSL() No swap Little-Endian Address Coherent XScale to Bus Long
Address Swap Little-Endian Address Coherent XScale to Bus Short
LE_AC_ BUSTOXSL() No swap Little-Endian Address Coherent Bus to XScale Long
Address Swap Little-Endian Address Coherent Bus to XScale Short
LE_DC_ XSTOBUSL() Data Word swap Little-Endian Data Coherent XScale to Bus Long
½ Data Word swap Little-Endian Data Coherent Bus to XScale Short
LE_DC_ BUSTOXSL() Data Word swap Little-Endian Data Coherent Bus to XScale Long
½ Data Word swap Little-Endian Data Coherent XScale to Bus Short