IXP400 Software
Endianness in Intel
IXP400 Software
Programmer’s Guide IXP400 Software Version 2.0 April 2005
Document Number: 252539, Revision: 007 361
• IX_OSAL_MBUF word pointers must be swapped prior to submission to the NPE.
Note: The IX_OSAL_MBUF chain is walked and all IX_OSAL_MBUFs in a chain are
updated. (
• IX_OSAL_MBUF word pointers are swapped on reception from the NPE before calling:
— User functions registered via ixEthAccPortTxDoneCallbackRegister.
— User function registered via ixEthAccTxBufferDoneCallbackRegister.
• Ethernet Database (IxEthDB)
— Endianness conversion of the Ethernet learning trees when ownership is transferred to/
from the XScale <-> Ethernet NPEs.
— Tree Writes.
— Tree uploads. ixEthDBNPESyncScan
—Display. ixEthELTDumpTree
• MAC Statistics. The memory used to return statistics from the NPE is endian-converted before
returning the data.
• Ethernet MAC registers are mapped in Little-Endian Data Coherent mode.
Note: The coherency modes chosen for IXP400 software Little-Endian implementations for VxWorks are
summarized in “Endian Conversion Macros” on page 362. ATM and HSS
Both ATM and HSS components pass descriptors between the Intel XScale core and NPEs. These
descriptors undergo similar changes to those described above.
27.5.4 PCI
The primary consideration for PCI network drivers is the configuration of the byte swapping within
the PCI controller itself (see “Endian Hardware Summary” on page 352).
The configuration is dependent on the coherency mode of the SDRAM memory area. In case of
VxWorks, the SDRAM memory controller is in Data Coherent mode.
Importantly, the PCI memory space must be configured in Little-Endian Data Coherent mode. This
is the physical memory area 0x4800,0000.
The PCI Configuration Space Register has PCI_CSR_IC, PCI_CSR_ABE, PCI_CSR_PDS,
PCI_CSR_ADS set to ‘1’.
27.5.5 Intel
IXP400 Software OS Abstraction
All Little-Endian system configuration information is in the ixp_osal\os