
In Combination and Sequencer modes,
transmission/reception of this message can be
turned on/off independently for each timbre/track
p.35, 57 in the Parameter Guide P3: MIDI2 tab
“Enable Foot Pedal/Switch”).
Ribbon controller (CC#16) [Bn, 10, vv]
This message will be transmitted when the TRITON’s
ribbon controller is operated.
In Combination and Sequencer modes,
transmission/reception of this message can be
turned on/off independently for each timbre/track
p.35, 57 in the Parameter Guide P3: MIDI2 tab
“Enable Ribbon”).
Controller (CC#18) [Bn, 12, vv]
This message will be transmitted when the TRITON’s
[VALUE] slider is operated.
This is valid in Program P0: Play and Combination P0:
Play when the program or combination number/name
is selected (highlighted).
Knob modulation 1, 2, 3, 4 (CC#17, 19, 20, 21)
[Bn, 11, vv], [Bn, 13, vv], [Bn, 14, vv], [Bn, 15, vv]
If the above CC# are assigned to the B-mode of REAL-
TIME CONTROLS [1]–[4] knobs, these messages will
be transmitted when the knobs are operated.
In Combination and Sequencer modes,
transmission/reception of this message can be
turned on/off independently for each timbre/track
p.35, 57 in the Parameter Guide P3: MIDI3 tab
“Enable REALTIME CONTROLS Knob 1, 2, 3, 4”).
Controller (CC#83) [Bn, 53, vv]
If the above CC# is assigned to the B-mode of REAL-
TIME CONTROLS [1]–[4] knobs, this message will be
transmitted when the knob is operated.
SW1 modulation (CC#80) [Bn, 50, vv]
SW2 modulation (CC#81) [Bn, 51, vv]
If the above CC# are assigned as the function of [SW1]
or [SW2], operating the switch will transmit this mes-
sage with vv=127 [7F] for ON, and vv=00 [00] for OFF.
(These can also be set as the B-mode functions of the
REALTIME CONTROL knobs [1]–[4].)
In Combination and Sequencer modes,
transmission/reception of these messages can be
turned on/off independently for each timbre/track
p.35, 57 in the Parameter GuideP3: MIDI3 tab
“Enable SW1,” “Enable “SW2”
Foot switch (CC#82) [Bn, 52, vv]
If the above CC# is assigned as the function of the
ASSIGNABLE SWITCH, operating the switch will
transmit this message with vv=127 [7F] for ON, and
vv=00 [00] for OFF. (This can also be set as a B-mode
function of the REALTIME CONTROL knobs [1]–[4].)
In Combination and Sequencer modes,
transmission/reception of this message can be
turned on/off independently for each timbre/track
p.35, 57 in the Parameter Guide P3: MIDI Filter
MIDI2 tab “Enable Foot Pedal/Switch”).
When “Foot controller (CC#04)”–”Foot switch
(CC#82)” are operated on the TRITON, the specified
alternate modulation or dynamic modulation etc. will
be controlled. When these messages are received, the
result will be the same as if the controller had been
operated. For “SW1 modulation (CC#80)”–”Foot
switch (CC#82),” vv of 63 [3F] or less will be OFF, and
64 [3F] or greater will be ON.
Damper pedal (CC#64) [Bn, 40, vv]
This message is transmitted when you operate a
damper pedal (separately sold Korg DS-1H etc.) con-
nected to the DAMPER jack, and the damper effect will
be turned on/off. If the DS-1H is used, a half-damper
effect can be applied.
In Combination and Sequencer modes,
transmission/reception of this message can be
turned on/off independently for each timbre/
track (
p.35, 57 in the Parameter Guide P3: MIDI1
tab “Enable Damper”).
Sostenuto (CC#66) [Bn, 42, vv]
If the above CC# is assigned as the function of the
ASSIGNABLE SWITCH, operating the switch will
transmit this message with vv=127 [7F] for ON, and
vv=00 [00] for OFF, and the sostenuto effect will be
turned on/off. When this message is received, the
result will be the same as when the controller is oper-
ated (OFF for vv=63 [3F] or below, and ON for vv=64
[40] or above).
Soft pedal (CC#67) [Bn, 43, vv]
If the above CC# is assigned as the function of the
ASSIGNABLE SWITCH, operating the switch will
transmit this message with vv=127 [7F] for ON, and
vv=00 [00] for OFF, and the soft pedal effect will be
turned on/off. When this message is received, the
result will be the same as when the controller is oper-
Controlling the tone/envelope of a program
CC#70-78 control specific parameters of a program.
For details on the program parameters that correspond
to each control change, and how the TRITON will
respond in each mode when these are received, refer to
“TRITON operations when control changes are trans-
mitted/received” on p.223 of the Parameter Guide.
Low pass lter cutoff (CC#74) [Bn, 4A, vv]
Resonance level/High pass lter cutoff (CC#71)
[Bn, 47, vv]
Filter EG intensity (CC#79) [Bn, 4F, vv]
Release time (CC#72) [Bn, 48, vv]
These messages are transmitted when you operate the
TRITON’s REALTIME CONTROLS [1]–[4] knobs in A-
mode. (They can also be set as B-mode functions.)