Selecting programs from Category/Program Select
You can select programs from a list organized by cate-
gory. With the factory settings, the programs are classi-
fied into sixteen categories of instrument (keyboard,
organ, bass, drums etc.).
1 Press the Category popup button.
A tabbed “Category/Program Select” popup menu
will appear.
In the above graphic, category 10: FastSynth is
selected. The center area shows the programs con-
tained in that category.
2 Press the tabs located at the left and right to select
a different category.
The name of the selected category will be displayed
in full in the upper right.
3 Press a program name in the center area to select a
The selected program will be highlighted.
If you wish to change a program to a different cat-
egory, you can set in the dialog box when writing
the program (
☞p.39). Category names can be
changed in “Category Name” (Global P4).
4 When you are satisfied with the selected program,
press the OK button to close the popup menu.
If you press the Cancel button, the selection you
made here will be discarded, and you will return to
the program that had been selected when you
opened the popup menu.
Other ways to select a program
Using a connected switch to select programs
An separately sold on/off type foot switch such as the
Korg PS-1 can be connected to the ASSIGNABLE
SWITCH jack, and used to select programs.
Selecting programs from a MIDI device (☞p.114)
MIDI program change messages can be transmitted
from an external MIDI device, and received by the TRI-
TON to select programs.
Program banks of the TRITON
The TRITON contains program banks A–G.
• Banks A–E each contain 128 programs (numbered
000–127), for a total of 640 programs.
With the factory settings, banks contain a variety of
preset programs that use the internal PCM ROM
multisamples, effects, and arpeggiator patterns etc.
With the factory settings, bank E does not contain
programs. It can be used as a user bank for you to
write programs you yourself create (such as pro-
grams that use multisamples you sampled in Sam-
pling mode).
• Bank F can be used if the EXB-MOSS option (sold
separately) is installed. It can contain 128 programs
(numbered 000–127) that use the MOSS tone
generator. (
☞For the program names, refer to the
owner’s manual of the EXB-MOSS option.)
• Bank G contains 256 programs compatible with
the GM2 sound map, and nine drum programs.
This bank is read-only.
Bank G consists of banks G, g(1), g(2)–g(9), and g(d).
The 128 programs from 001–128 can be used. G con-
tains the GM2 original programs. g(1)–g(9) allow
you to select variation programs of the G bank pro-
grams. g(d) lets you select drum programs.
☞ For the preset program banks and program names,
refer to the separate Voice Name List.