
with the send setting of the timbre/track.
Cannot record a sample
Are one or more SIMM modules installed?
........................................................................ PG
Is there free RAM area.................................. PG
Select a different RAM memory.................. PG
Delete unneeded samples. ........................... PG
Save important samples before deleting them
.......................................................................... PG
Song does not playback correctly after data is
In the dialog box when saving the data, did you
check the check boxes for each item that you
wanted to save? ....................................................
Are the program or combination banks/numbers
the same as when you created the song?
........................................................................ PG
Did you load the necessary multisamples and
Playback does not start when you press the
[START/STOP] key in Sequencer mode
Is the Global P1: MIDI “Clock Source” set to
Internal?........................................................ PG
Cant record in Sequencer mode
Is the Global P0: Memory Protect “Song” check box
unchecked?................................................... PG
Is the Global P1: MIDI “Clock Source” set to
Internal?........................................................ PG
In Song Play mode, a GM/GS/XG-compatible
SMF is not played correctly
Execute GM Initialize to initialize the settings.
........................................................................ PG
Is Bank Map set to GM(2)? ........................ PG
Is “Status” set to INT?.......................................
Settings for oscillator 2 are not displayed
Make sure that the Program P1: Program Basic tab
“Oscillator Mode” parameter is set to Double.
The TRITON does not respond to incoming
MIDI data
Are all MIDI cables connected correctly?
Is the MIDI data being received on the channel on
which it is being transmitted? .....
p.114, PG p.118
The TRITON does not respond correctly to
incoming MIDI data
Are the Global P1: MIDI settings “Enable Program
Change,” “Enable Bank Change,” “Enable Control
Change,” and “Enable After Touch” each checked?
........................................................................ PG
If you wish to receive MIDI exclusive messages, is
the Global P1: MIDI “Enable Exclusive” item
checked? ....................................................... PG
Does the TRITON support the types of messages
that are being sent to it?
Cant format a oppy disk
Are you using a 2.5 inch 2HD or 2DD floppy disk?
Is the floppy disk inserted correctly?
Cover the write protect hole of the floppy disk, so
that it is in the “write permit” position.
Correctly insert a 3.5 inch 2HD or 2DD floppy disk
(with its write protect hole covered) into the disk
drive, and format it once again.
Cans save/load data to/from a oppy disk
Is the floppy disk inserted correctly?
Is the floppy disk formatted?
Is the write protect hole of the floppy disk covered,
so that it is in the “write permit” position?
Correctly insert a 3.5 inch 2HD or 2DD floppy disk
(with its write protect hole covered) into the disk
drive, and perform the save or load operation once
The TRITON does not recognize when MO
media has been exchanged, and does not
correctly display the media information after
the exchange.
If you are able to switch the mode setting of your
MO drive between PC/AT and Mac settings,
please use PC/AT mode. For details on changing
the mode of your drive, refer to the owner’s
manual for your MO drive.
If your MO drive does not have a mode setting, or
if the media exchange is not recognized even after
you switch the mode, use the drive select button to
select a different drive, and then re-select the MO
*Parameter Guide = PG