Basic functions
Using the Track Play Loop function to record
The Track Play Loop function lets you specify a range
of measures over which each track 1–16 will loop
repeatedly during playback.
As an example, we will describe how you can use the
Track Play Loop function to efficiently record tracks.
This is a convenient way to create a basic rhythm sec-
Here we will explain the procedure of using the Track
Play Loop function to playback a drum track and a
bass track, while you record synth phrases.
1 Record a drum phrase on track 1.
Select a drum program for track 1. Set “Track Select”
to Track 01, and record a rhythm pattern of four
measures or more in realtime. Alternatively, you can
place or copy one of the preset patterns.
2 When you are finished recording, press the Ply
Loop tab. For track 1, check “Track Play Loop.” Set
“Loop Start Measure” to 001, and “Loop End Mea-
sure” to 004.
Press the [START/STOP] key to playback, and track
1 will continue repeating measures 1–4.
In this case, playback will end with the measures
recorded in step 1. This is because the current
length of the song is the number of measures that
were recorded in step 1. The measure at which
recording ended will be the current length of the
In some cases you will probably want to continue
looping during playback, so that you can rehearse
the phrase that you will record next. In this case,
you will need to specify the length of the song. You
can do this by executing the P5: Track Edit page
menu command “Insert Measure” before you per-
form step 1. For example if you execute this com-
mand with the settings shown below, the song
length will be 64 measures. (If you continue record-
ing for longer than 64 measures, the song length
will be updated to the measure at which you
stopped recording.)
3 Record a bass phrase on track 2.
Select a bass program for track 2. In “Track Select,”
chose Track 02, and use realtime recording.
During recording, track 1 will continue repeating
measures 1–4. While listening to the drum phrase,
record (for example) an eight-measure bass phrase.
4 When you are finished recording, check “Track
Play Loop” for track 2 also, as you did in step 2.
Set “Loop Start Measure” to 001, and “Loop End
Measure” to 008.
5 Next we will record synth brass riffs on track 3.
Select a synth brass program for track 3. Use “Track
Select” to select Track 03, and use realtime record-
ing. During recording, track 1 will continue repeat-
ing measures 1–4, and track 2 will continue
repeating measures 1–8.
Track Play Loop will continue repeating for the
length of the song. If you wish to specify the num-
ber of times that playback will repeat, or to place
different musical data (drum fill-in, etc.) in the
track, the song will have to be expanded as musi-
cal data. To specify the number of times that play-
back will repeat, execute the P5: Track Edit page
menu command “Repeat Measure.”
In the above example, musical events (32 measures
of data) will be created out of measures 1–4 which
were being repeatedly played as a loop by track 1.
Recording the arpeggiator
If arpeggiator A or B is assigned to a track selected by
“Track Select,” and the arpeggiator is running, the per-
formance of the arpeggiator will be recorded on the
track. For details on arpeggiator settings (
☞p.105). (☞p.73 in the Parameter Guide)
Template Song
The TRITON contains sixteen template songs. These
provide program and effect settings etc. that are suit-
able for various styles of music. When preparing to
record, you can load a template into your song to
quickly and easily make appropriate settings.
For details on loading, refer to “Load Template Song”
☞p.48) in the Parameter Guide.
You can also make changes to a template song that you
loaded, and save frequently used settings as a User
Template Song.
For the saving procedure, refer to “Save Template
Song” (
☞p.48) in the Parameter Guide.
Musical data will not be saved in the user template
Track Select
Sequencer mode