Basic functions
2 Press the [DISK] key. You will enter Disk mode.
3 Press the Load tab.
The screen will appear, and file information will be
4 If you are loading from external SCSI media, press
the drive select button to select the drive that con-
tains the data to be loaded.
5 Select a .PCG file.
The display will be highlighted.
If the file to be loaded is located in a level above or
below the current directory, use the Open button or
Up button to display the file so that it can be
When you load a .PCG file, the data in the TRI-
TON’s internal memory will be replaced by the
data in that .PCG file (programs, combinations,
drum kits, user arpeggio patterns, global settings).
If you wish to keep the data that is currently in
internal memory, use “Save All” or “Save PCG” to
save it.
6 Press the page menu button, and press the “Load
Selected” page menu command.
A dialog box will appear. The display and settings
of the dialog box will depend on the type of file to
be loaded. For details on each type of file, refer to
p.132 in the Parameter Guide.
7 If “Load
.SNG too” is checked when you
load the data, the .SNG file will also be loaded at
the same time that the .PCG file is loaded.
If “Load
.KSC too” is checked when you
load the data, the .KSC file will also be loaded at
the same time that the .PCG file is loaded.
8 Press the OK button and the date will be loaded.
Never attempt to remove the media while data is
being loaded.
Drive select
.PCG file
All programs 1 program bank
1 program
All combinations 1 combination bank
1 combination
All drum kits 1 drum kit group
[A/B, C, D, User]
1 drum kit
All user arpeggio
1 user arpeggio
pattern group [A/B, C, D]
1 user arpeggio
Global settings
.SNG file
1 song
1 user pattern
Cue list
.EXL file
.JKB file
.KSC file
.KMP file
.KSF file
.MID file
Files that can be loaded
.AIF file
.WAV file
AKAI format program file
AKAI format sample file
DOS directory Undefined DOS file
DOS files
DOS file
Up Open
Disk mode