● For details on how to access each page or modes,
refer to “Basic operation of the TRITON” (
If the separately sold EXB-MOSS option is
installed, bank F programs can also be used in
Sequencer mode. For details on the parameters of
bank F programs, refer to the EXB-MOSS owner’s
Sequencer mode consists of the following pages.
A song consists of tracks 1–16, a master track, song
parameters such as the song name, effect, arpeggiator
and RPPR parameters, and 100 user patterns.
A maximum of 200 such songs can be created on the
Tracks 1–16 and the master track each consist of setup
parameters located at the start location, and musical
data within the track.
* When you change the setting during realtime-
recording, this will be recorded as musical data.
This allows the starting settings to be modified dur-
ing the playback.
About each page in Sequencer
P0: Play/REC Play and record songs, and make related
settings. Select the program for each track,
and set pan and level.
P1: Cue List Play, create, and make settings for cue
P2: Trk Param Parameter settings for each track of a
song. MIDI, OSC, Pitch, etc.
P3: MIDI Filter MIDI message transmission/reception filter
settings for each track of a song.
P4: Zone/Ctrl Key Zone and Velocity Zone settings for
each track of a song. Controller settings. If
the separately sold EXB-MOSS expansion
is installed, settings for related parame-
P5: Track Edit Edit musical data for song tracks. Specify
track names.
P6: Pattern/RPPR Record and edit patterns for a song. Spec-
ify pattern names. RPPR function settings
for a song.
P7: Arpeggiator Arpeggiator settings.
P8: Insert Effect Select and make settings for insert effects.
Set the routing, insert effects, master
effects, and individual output send
amounts for each track of the song.
P9: Master Effect Select and make settings for the master
effects. Master EQ settings.
The structure of Sequencer mode
Setup parameters Musical data
Tracks 1–16 Tracks 1–16
Bank/Program No. * Note On/Off
PLAY/MUTE/REC Program Change
(including Bank Select)
Pan * Pitch Bend
Volume * After Touch (Poly After)
Track Play Loop Control Change
Loop Start Measure Pattern No.
Loop End Measure
MIDI Channel
Bank Select
(When Status=EX2)
Force OSC Mode
OSC Select
Portamento *
Transpose **
Detune **
Bend Range **
Use Program's Scale
MIDI Filter
Key Zone
Velocity Zone
Track Name
Arpeggiator Assign
IFX/Indiv.Out BUS Select
Send1(MFX1) *
Send2(MFX2) *
Master track
Time signature *
Tempo *