Quick Start
Selecting and playing a combination
In Combination mode you can select a combination
from banks A–D and play it. Here we will show how
to select preset combinations. Select various combina-
tions and hear how they sound.
1 Press the [COMBI] key (the LED will light), and
you will enter Combination mode.
2 Make sure that P (page) 0: Play is selected in the
LCD screen.
If this page is not selected, press the [MENU] key to
access the page jump menu, and either press “P0:
Play” in the LCD screen or numeric key [0] to dis-
play P0: Play.
3 Press “Combination Number: name” in the LCD
screen to select the combination.
The display will be highlighted.
4 Press a COMBI BANK [A]–[D] key to select the
bank. (
☞p.24 “Combination banks of the TRI-
For example to select bank A, press the [A] key.
(The LED will light, and the upper left of the LCD
screen will indicate Bank A.)
When the edit cell is located at the “Bank/Pro-
gram” of a timbre 1–8, pressing a [BANK] key will
allow you to select the program bank for that tim-
bre, and the LED of the program bank selected for
that timbre will light. If you wish to select a combi-
nation bank, make sure that the edit cell is not
located at the “Bank/Program” of timbres 1–8.
5 Use numeric keys [0]–[9] to input the combination
number, and press the [ENTER] key. Alternatively,
you can use the [VALUE] dial or [][] keys to
make a selection.
If you press the [./10’s HOLD] key to turn on the
10’s Hold function (the LCD screen will indicate
), the ten’s place of the combination number will
be fixed, and you will be able to switch combina-
tions simply by pressing a single numeric key. Each
time you press a numeric key, the one’s place will
change. You can also use the [ ][ ] keys to
change the ten’s place.
To defeat the 10’s Hold function, press the [./10’s
HOLD] key once again.
Selecting combinations from Bank/Combination
You can select combinations from a list organized by
combination bank.
1 Press the “Combination Number: name” popup
A tabbed “Bank/Combination Select” popup menu
will appear.
In the above graphic, bank A is selected. The center
area shows the combinations contained in that
2 Press the tabs located at the left to select banks.
3 Press combination names in the center area to
select combinations.
The selected combination will be highlighted.
4 When you are satisfied with the selected combina-
tion, press the OK button to close the popup menu.
If you press the Cancel button, the selection you
made here will be discarded, and you will return to
the combination that had been selected when you
opened the popup menu.
Selecting a combination
Category popup
Popup button
Number: name
Selecting and playing a combination