MPX G2 User Guide
Mix 0-100% Dry/Wet ratio
Level* Off, -89dB to +6dB Amount of effect in processed signal
Key C to B Pitch root of scale
Scale Major, Dorian, Phyrgian, Type of scale
Lydian, Mixolydian,
Minor, Locrian
Int -2Oct to Oct+ 5th Harmony Interval
(Optimize) 0-100 Sets the amount of delay in the pitch shifter
Thrsh -83dB to 0dB Sets the level above which the pitch detector tracks
(Src) Guitar In, Returns Input Selects the audio input used for pitch analysis.
DiatonicHmy is an “intelligent”
pitch shifter. The effect will auto-
matically shift the pitch of an in-
coming monophonic notes to the
correct harmony note in the se-
lected key and scale. You select
the key and scale — (E major, A
minor, etc.) and harmony interval
(up a 3rd, down a 6th, etc.). When
an out of key note is detected, it will
be shifted by the same interval
amount as the last in-key note.
Note the pitch detector can use
either the Guitar Input or Return
Inputs as the source for pitch de-
tection. The default is Guitar Input,
which allows the detector to ana-
lyze a clean, unprocessed guitar
signal — even if you want to shift
the guitar audio after it has been
processed by one or more effects.
Diatonic Hmy
* = Interpolated; ( ) = Option of preceding parameter
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