This Edit menu selection provides controls for making individual adjustments
and assignments for each of the MPX G2 internal controllers: Knob, LFO 1,
LFO 2, Random, A/B and Env. This section describes controller editing. For
detailed information on the controllers themselves, see Chapter 8.
Making controller adjustments is straightforward. The first of the controller
selections (Knob) is shown here as an example. (Although each controller has
a different set of parameters, the method for selecting and adjusting them is
Ctls select:
> Knob
Controller selected for adjustment
Successive screens show each controller
parameter and its current value
value of displayed controller
Ctls:Knob Value
< > n
Ctls:Knob Low
< > n
Ctls:Knob High
< > n
Ctls:Knob Name
< CustomAdj
Use the < and >buttons
to move back and forth
between the controller
selection screen and
each of the related pa-
rameter screens.
Once you have adjusted the selected controller to your satisfaction, you can step
back through the parameter screens, or press Edit to return to the main Edit
Use the < and > buttons to step through the available parameters of the selected
controller and the knob to adjust controller settings.