MPX G2 Program Descriptions
201 Acoustic Room
This program is designed for acoustic guitar. The reverb blooms nicely behind the notes
thanks to a compressor on the reverb inputs.
202 Jazz Club
A moderate, but dense, reverb that fattens up cleanly articulated melodies and chords.
Be sure to experiment with reverb predelay (P Dly in the Soft Row). Use it to allow the
attack of notes to stay “in your face”
Programs 203-205 can be used individually or in any combination. Each is made up of
a medium-sized, live room hung with near and far microphone pairs. Rvb Mix controls the
overall direct-to-room sound mix. The Far Mics parameter provides an independent
control for the level of the distant microphones. You’ll find these parameters, as well as
PDly and the other important reverb tweaks in the Soft Row.
203 Solo Room
A high-gain amp in a live room with a direct feed, as well as near and far microphones.
Both sets of mics are stereo pairs. The overall image is balanced in the stereo field.
204 RhythmRoom L
A clean amp in the same live room as Solo Room, but with the near mics panned left of
center and the far mics panned right of center. The stereo image is left-heavy on rhythmic
attacks, and shifts to the right as the notes fade.
205 RhythmRoom R
Similar to RhythmRoom L, with the panning of the mics reversed. Initial attacks are heard
on the right side, then shift to the left as the notes fade.
206 MicPlacement
This program lets you vary the position of a close microphone in front of high-gain amp.
(Use the Placement parameter in the Soft Row.) Altering the position will create phase
differences that change the overall timbre of the sound.
207 Tape->Plate
This combination of tape predelay in front of a plate reverb can be heard on most of the
classic rock recordings from the 60’s and 70’s. A/B changes the tape delay from 15ips
to 7.5ips.
208 PCM 60 Room
This program recreates the settings of a Lexicon PCM 60, tweaked for guitar.
209 Gated Verb
More of an effect than a natural space, gated reverb can be quite useful to thicken up
rhythmic parts without spilling over into the rest of the mix.