
Patching is the ability to assign a control (Source) to a parameter (Destination).
This allows you to alter the value of the parameter by manipulating the control
Source. For example, you can select the front panel knob as a Source and an
effect's Mix parameter as a Destination. This simple patch will allow you to
dynamically alter the mix of the effect whenever you turn the knob.
You can create as many as five patches. You can patch multiple parameters to
a single controller, or patch multiple Sources to a single Destination. This
chapter contains all the information you need to use the MPX G2 program
patching system. Global Patching is described in Chapter 5: System Controls.
MPX G2 Patch controls are accessed in Edit mode.
In the Edit menu, select Patching to access the patch assigned
to a displayed parameter, or to create or alter a patch.
Use the knob to select a Patch
number (1-5).
Patch select:
< > Patch 1
The numeric display will show the Patch
number you have selected.
When a Patch is selected, the display will show:
The Patch number you select in the alphanumeric display will be displayed on
the large numeric display as well. This display will remain on as long as you are
in the Patching System to identify the currently selected patch.