LexiconMPX G2 User Guide
Parameter Range Description
Mode Trig, Gate See notes.
ARate 0-100 Time to go from A to B
BRate 0-100 Time to go from B to A
OnLvl 0-127 Threshold
OnSrc Off, On, any internal Selected trigger
or MIDI controller
The A/B Glide controller is linked to the front panel A/B button and LEDs.
Pressing the button toggles the state of the controller between A and B, as
indicated by the LEDs.
When the controller is at A, its output is 0. When it is at B, its output is 127.
Controls are provided to allow you to determine the rate at which it glides from
A to B and from B to A.
Of the many presets in the MPX G2 that use this controller, the most straight-
forward example is Program 47 Rotary Cab. In this preset, A/B is used to glide
between the fast and slow rates of a rotary speaker effect. Different A and B rates
are used to simulate the mechanical inertia of the real thing. Note that you can
use the OnSrc parameter to select other controllers to initiate the glide.
A/B Glide
A/B Glide Modes
Trig: Toggles between A and B
whenever A/B button is
pressed or OnSrc value
rises above OnLvl.
Gate: Glide from A to B when
OnSrc value rises above
OnLvl. Glides from B to A
whenever OnSrc value
falls below OnLvl. The A/B
button is ignored.
Like the LFOs, A/B Glide has sev-
eral simultaneous outputs that can
be used as patch sources:
A/B: The A/B Glide controller is
linked to the front panel
A/B button and LEDs.
Pressing the button
toggles the state of the
controller between A and
B, as indicated by the
ATrg: This value changes from 0
to 127 and back to 0 again
whenever A/B changes
from B to A.
BTrg: This value changes from 0
to 127 and back to 0 again
whenever A/B changes
from A to B.
ABTrg : This value changes from 0
to 127 and back to 0 again
whenever A/B changes
from A to B or B to A.
Random (Random Number Generator)
Parameter Range Description
RndLo 0-127 Low limit
RndHi 0-127 High Limit
Rate 0-50.00 Speed
(Rate Units) Option of Rate: Hz or Cycles per Beat
This controller produces a random stream of numbers whose maximum range
is 0-127. You can limit both the lowest and highest values and control the rate
at which the numbers are generated.
Random Generator