MPX G2 User Guide
Wah 1 Wah 2
Wah 1, Wah 2 and PedalWah1, PedalWah2
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* = Interpolated; ( ) = Option of preceding parameter
Mix 0-100% Dry/Wet ratio
Level 0ff, -89 to +6dB Amount of effect in processsed signal
Sweep 0-100 Wah center frequency (available only in Wah 1 & Wah 2)
(Type) C, V C= Crybaby, V = Vox
Bass 0-100 Adds low frequency boost to the wah
Resp 0-100 Responsiveness to changes in sweep
Gain -72dB to +24dB Post-Wah cut/boost
Wah 2 or PedalWah2
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Wah 1 or PedalWah1
Wah is a mono wah filter mod-
eled after two classic wah-wah
pedals. With Sweep selected,
press Options to select Model C
(CryBaby) or Model V (Vox).
These models capture both the
characteristic signature and non-
linear pedal response of the origi-
nal pedals. Bass allows you to
change the wah from a band-pass
type to a low-pass type effect by
progressively adding more low
end. (Try it with bass and key-
boards.) Resp controls how
quickly the wah responds to
changes of Sweep. (100 is very
fast, 0 is very, very slow).
To make a Mutron-like enve-
lope filter, patch sweep to Env.
Use Resp to control the effect’s
responsiveness to changing dy-
To make an Auto Wah effect, try
patching Sweep to an LFO sine or
triangle wave.
Wah 2 uses the same vintage
wahs as Wah 1 with a built-in com-
pressor following the wah. (All of
the compression parameters are
fixed and, therefore, invisible.) The
compressor smooths out some of
the peakiness that can occur in
different portions of the sweep,
while at the same time adding
some sustain and punch to the
overall effect. The end result is a
wah that cuts through when you
kick it on.
The Pedal Wah effects are iden-
tical to Wah 1 and Wah 2 except
the Sweep parameter is hard-wired
to the Foot Pedal input on the
MPX G2 rear panel. If you are
using the MPX R1 MIDI Remote
Controller, these effects will be
automatically connected to the
control pedal — you don’t have to
make any patches — just load the
effect and start playing.
PedalWah1 PedalWah2