MPX G2 User Guide
Lo -25dB to +18dB Low frequency Drive
Mid -25dB to +18dB Mid frequency Drive
Hi 0-18dB High frequency Drive
Drive 0-50 Amount of distortion
Tone 0-25 High frequency roll-off
Bass ± 25dB Post-Drive bass control
Trebl ± 25dB Post-Drive treble control
Level 0dB to 64dB Output level
* = Interpolated; ( ) = Option of preceding parameter
Lo ± 25dB Low frequency boost/cut
Mid ±25dB Mid frequency boost/cut
Hi 0-50dB High frequency boost
InLvl -64 to 0dB Input level (Drive sensitivity)
LoCut 0-20 Pre-Drive low frequency roll off
Feel 0-64 Overdrive dynamics
Drive 0-60 Amount of overdrive
Tone 0-35 High frequency roll-off
Bass ± 25dB Post-Drive bass control
Trebl ± 25dB Post-Drive treble control
Level 0dB to 64dB Output level
Need more than just Overdrive?
Distortion provides more than
100dB of analog gain — and it has
an additional set of Bass and Treble
controls following the distortion
stage. Although not based on any
particular pedal, this effect has a
sonic kinship with several classic
distortion pedals and fuzz boxes.
0 190
* = Interpolated; ( ) = Option of preceding parameter
Unlike the other MPX G2 Gain effects, Preamp was not designed to function as
a stomp box to use in front of your amplifier. It is a fully featured, programmable
analog guitar preamp. Use Preamp for stand-alone applications (direct record-
ing without an amp, or to drive a power amp and cabs). When using Preamp for
direct recording, be sure to turn on the Speaker Simulator (Edit Select, Speaker
Sim, Simulator: On).
InLvl (Input Level) determines the amount of clean headroom the preamp has.
The setting of this single control will have a great impact on the overall behavior
and sound of the preamp. At higher values, the preamp will distort very easily
— for example, with a Mid tone control boost of only 5dB. At lower levels, the tone
controls behave more like EQ controls — making low, mid and high guitar
frequencies louder (or softer) without adding distortion.
Preamp and SplitPreamp