
MarshallAmplificationProductCatalogue 17
Vintage Re-Issue Amplifiers
JCM800 2203Head
JCM900 4100Head
PB100 PowerBreak
16 MarshallAmplificationProductCatalogue
JCM800 2203 Head
The all-valve JCM800 2203 is one of the most highly respected 100 Watt
Marshall heads in the company’s long history. Evolving from the
legendary 100 Watt ‘Plexi’ head, it was one of our first amplifiers to
feature a Master Volume (MV) control.
The very essence of simplicity, the JCM800 2203 is a one channel,
all-valve amp with no reverb or built-in effects. Its foolproof interface,
distinctive roar and larger-than-life ‘edge’ immediately set the standard
by which all other rock amps were judged and it remained the ‘industry
benchmark’ throughout the entire decade of its production life.
Now it’s back by popular demand and, as with the 1959SLP and 1987X,
we’ve added a Series Effects Loop featuring a true bypass switch that
takes the loop completely out of the circuit, thus ensuring the original
tone isn’t compromised in any shape or form.
JCM900 4100 Head
Another player’s favourite, the JCM900 4100 all-valve 100 Watt Marshall
head is available once again. Known for its great tone and reliability, the
JCM900 range has won many fans with its incredible versatility.
Channel A has been voiced for a sparkling clean on lower gain settings,
building up to a raunchy crunch when driven hard. Channel B takes off
from where Channel A finishes and is perfect for any lead tone – from
silky smooth to searing saturation. As well as having separate Gain
controls, each channel has its own Master section containing controls
for Master Volume and Master Reverb.
A Series Effects Loop with Level switch allows you to use either floor
pedals or rack effects. Whatever style of rock you play the 4100 will
give you tonal flexibility without compromise.
1962 ‘Bluesbreaker’ Combo
After the huge success of the JTM45 amplifier, a 2x12" combo
version was released to satisfy popular demand and the now
legendary 1962 combo was born. Once again the use of a GZ34
valve rectifier is responsible for helping to achieve the famed output
stage compression and sustain exhibited uniquely by both the
JTM45 and 1962.
Though tonally similar to a JTM45, the 1962 combo is loaded with two
re-issue ‘Greenback’ 25 Watt speakers to re-create that classic sixties
tone. The 1962 ‘Bluesbreaker’ combo also comes with the addition of
a footswitchable Tremolo effect.
PB100 Power Brake
The Master Volume control on your valve amp makes it soundgood at
low volume, but ALL, all-valve amps sound better cranked.Thisis a
scientific fact of life. Plus,whatdo you do if your amp doesn’t have a
Master Volume?The Marshall PB100 Power Brake power attenuator is
the answer.
Thereare other attenuators orloadboxes available, but they don’t
provide the right type of inductive loadthatmakes your amp think it’s
connected toa speaker.At best,these other devices cause your amp to
sound thin and feeble. At worst, they can blowyouramp’s output
transformer– an expensive proposition. The Power Brake power
attenuator delivers great sound . .. safely!
From leftto right:
1960A Cab
1960B Cab
4100 JCM900Head
1960A Cab
1960B Cab
FEATURES 2203 4100 1962
Head ✓✓No
Combo No No
Output(RMS) 100Watt 100Watt 30Watt
3BandEQ ✓✓✓
Tremolo No No
Speakers No No 2x12
Pre-AmpValves 3xECC83 3xECC83 3xECC83
PowerAmpValves 4xEL34 4x5881 2x5881
GZ34ValveRectifier No No
SeriesFXLoop ✓✓No
Footswitch(supplied) No No PEDL-10008
Dimensions(mm) 750x315x215 750x310x210 740x610x265
Weight(kg) 20.5 18.8 30.2
William J Brown
Tim Skold