
Left toright:
1960A Cab
1960B Cab
1960TV Cab
1960AX Cab
1960BX Cab
Speaker Cabinets
1960 4x12Cabs(A/B &AV/BV)
1960‘Greenback’loaded4x12Cabs (AX/BX,TV)
The only choice for serious musicians. Nothing compares
to Marshall cabinets in terms of awesome tone and
projection. Both visually and aurally, Marshall cabs are
indeed ‘the business!’ Roadworthiness is a vital
prerequisite in the world of relentless touring and as our
46 years of cabinet building attests, Marshall cabinets are
definitely built to stand the test of time!
The Marshall Stack
Nothing personifies the image of rock ‘n’ roll more completelythana wall
of Marshall stacks. Though often imitated, nothing compares to the
original. The world’sfirst ever 4x12" cab was designed and built by
Jim Marshallin 1962,and withit a legend was born. Since then wehave
made countless thousands, which have appeared on stages all over
the globe.
Following close on the heels of the immediate success ofthe Marshall
4x12", camethe first ever stack – namely, an angle-fronted cab on top of
a straight-fronted cab, with an amplifier head placed on top. Thiscame
about after discussions with Pete Townshend of The Who. Pete asked
Jim to build him an 8x12" cab with an angled front – the Guv’nor agreed,
but warned the guitarist that the cab would be extremelydifficult to move.
Nevertheless, Pete insisted, so six of these awesome cabinetswere built.
After being bombarded with complaints from his road crew,Pete
returnedto Jim to look for a more practicalapproach to buildingthis
wonderful sounding behemoth. ‘We’ll cut the cab in half,’ was Jim’s
immediate reply,and thus, the legendary Marshall stackcame into being!
What happened to thesix 8x12" cabs we hear you ask? Well, two went to
Pete Townshend, two went to John Entwhistle (The Who’s bassist)and
the remaining pairwentto the Small Faces.
Public reaction to the impressive lookand equally impressive sound of
the Marshallstack was incrediblefrom the start and, not surprisingly, it
has stayed in production ever since. As a result, this immediately
recognisable rock‘n’ roll icon can be foundanywhere and everywhere
that electric guitar is played! Aswe invented the stack,Marshall 4x12"s
are the only true originals – everything else is merely an imitation.
Speaker’s Corner
To satisfy the increasinglydiverse tastesof the modern guitarist, Marshall
1960s areavailablewith three different types of Celestion speakers:
a) Standard 75 Watt ‘G12T-75’ speakers (1960A/B).
b) Thewarm sounding 70 Watt ‘Vintage’ speakers (1960AV/BV).
c) Re-issue 25 Watt Greenbacks,‘G12M-25’ (1960AX/BX & TV).
Each speakertypehas its own individual character, so we urge you to try
all threeflavours before making your final decision. The 1960AX/BX and
1960TV cabs are loaded with 25 Watt ‘Greenback’ speakers. Inorder to
recreate the classic looks as well asthe classic tonesof yesteryear, the
AX andBX sport asmoother ‘Levant’ covering and chequered fret cloth.
The 1960TV is finishedwiththe earlier style‘EC’fret cloth and is three
inches taller than a standard 4x12" – hence the ‘TV’ in itsnamewhich is
an acronym for ‘Tall, Vintage.’
All ourcabinets sharethe same high quality of design and craftsmanship.
Our highest quality woodwork includes the ‘fingerlocking’ of each and
every joint. This helpsgiveour cabinets the incredible strength and
durability which has become as legendary as the Marshall sound itself.
A godsend to all giggingguitarists androadies are the heavyduty
castors fitted as standard on all 1960 cabinets ensuring that they’re ready
to roll without rocking.
Jeff Hanneman
Steve Harris
38 MarshallAmplificationProductCatalogue
MarshallAmplificationProductCatalogue 39
FEATURES 1960A/B 1960AX/BX 1960TV 1960AV/BV
CabinetType–Angled (A) (AX) ✓✓(AV)
(B) (BX) No (BV)
SpeakerType G12T-75 G12M-25 G12M-25 G12Vintage(70Watt)
SpeakerConfiguration 4x12
Power(RMS) 300Watt 100Watt 100Watt 280Watt
No No
MonoImpedance 16/4Ohm
16Ohm 16Ohm
8Ohm N/A N/A
Dimensions(mm) 770x755x365 760x830x365 770x820x365 760x830x365
Weight(kg)–TypeA 36.4 37.7 39 40.6
Weight(kg)–TypeB 37 38.2 N/A 41.4