MB Bass Series Amplifiers
MarshallAmplificationProductCatalogue 55
MB450H Head
MB4410 Combo
MBC115/MBC410/MBC810 Ext Cabs
54 MarshallAmplificationProductCatalogue
As with all our products proudly wearing the Marshall badge,
quality and tone are of utmost importance to ensure our
amplifiers remain unrivalled within the music industry. The
Marshall R&D team have worked relentlessly in the design of
our most comprehensive bass range ever offered by
MarshallAmplification. We asked bass players what they
wanted and have catered to their demands with new features
and various speaker configurations within the combo’s and
speaker extension cabinets.
MB4410 Combo
The daddy of the combo’shas to be the MB4410. The 450 Watt houses
4x10"speakers and HF horn. Big enough to sound monstrous, yet
transportable enoughto fit in the car, the combo booms withlow
frequency bottom-end. The MB4410 features two channels (Modern and
Classic) including a separate EQ for each. Modern features include
Bass, Treble, parametric Mid and switchable compressor with variable
level control.The Classic channel with its ECC83 pre-amp valve includes
a Boost switch and has a 3-band passive tone network. Like the
MB4210, you can mixthe two channels either from the frontpanel or
from the supplied two-way footswitch. The overall volume of the blend is
adjustable in additionto the balance betweenthe two channels.
Features: Series Effects Loop, balanced Line Out with switchable modes
(pre and post), external jack andSpeakon
speaker outputs, CD input,
Limiter,Master Volume and aHeadphonessocket.
MB450H Head
This powerhouse of a head wallops a massive 450 Watts of total bass
power when connected to two extension cabinets. All that’s left to do now
is choose your preferred choice of cabinetsso you can plug in and rock!
The two channels(Modern andClassic) are both present, each with
separateEQ. Modern features Bass, Treble, parametric Mid and a
compressor. The Classic channelwithits ECC83 pre-amp valve includes
a Boost switch and has a 3-band passive tone network with three
different voices.Likethe higher wattage combo’sthe MB450 has the
option of blending the two channels either from the front panel or via a
supplied two-way footswitch.
Features: Series Effects Loop, balanced Line Out with switchable modes
(pre and post), external jack andSpeakon
speaker outputs, CD input,
Limiter,Master Volume and aHeadphonessocket. The Modern channel
has aswitchable compressor withvariable levelcontrol. The Classic
channel includes a Boost switch.
MBC115, MBC410, MBC810
After listening to bass players requirements, we made the decisionto
give you optionsof the most favoured and asked after extensioncabinets
to complement your bass head or combo.
Firstly,the MBC115 is a 300 Watt,4 Ohm bass cabinet. Sturdilybuiltand
more thanreadyfor lifeontheroad,thisspeakercabcontains one
15"speakerwithanHFhorn.Next inthelineistheever-popular 4x10"
cabinet.Containingfour colossalsounding10" speakers,you areguaranteed
to getclearlow-endtonesroaring through theclub.This 600Watt,4 Ohm
speaker cabinethas anHFhorn.
The bigger brother of the 4x10", the MBC810, not only sounds the part,
it also looks the part. The mighty 1200 Watt, 4 Ohm beast contains
8x10"speakers with an HF horn.
Power(RMS)@4Ohms 300Watt 300Watt 300Watt
Power(RMS)@2Ohms 450Watt* 450Watt* 450Watt
SpeakerConfiguration 2x10
" n/a
Connector 22 2
JackSpeakerConnector 22 2
✓✓ ✓
DILineOut XLR(Pre&Post) XLR(Pre&Post) XLR(Pre&Post)
✓✓ ✓
Footswitch 2Way(included) 2Way(included) 2Way(included)
2Channels ✓✓ ✓
BlendControl ✓✓ ✓
Compressor ✓✓ ✓
ECC83Pre-ampValve ✓✓ ✓
BoostSwitch ✓✓ ✓
MidVoices 33 3
MasterVolume ✓✓ ✓
Dimensions(mm) 630x535x280 630x720x410 630x220x235
Weight(kg) 33 51 15
CabinetType BassReflex BassReflex BassReflex
SpeakerConfiguration 1x15
HFHorn ✓✓ ✓
HFHornSwitch ✓✓ ✓
Impedance 4Ohms 4Ohms 4Ohms
Power(RMS) 300Watt 600Watt 1200Watt
Power(Program) 600Watt 1200Watt 2400Watt
Connector 11 1
JackConnector 11 1
Dimensions(mm) 630x635x410 630x720x410 630x1250x410
Weight(kg) 32 42.5 70
Left toright:
MB450H Head
MBC410 ExtCab
MB4410 Combo
MBC115 ExtCab
MB450H Head
MBC810 ExtCab
Paul Brewis