MarshallAmplificationProductCatalogue 7
JVM2 Series Amplifiers
6 Marshall AmplificationProductCatalogue
Introducing the JVM2, the latest range of all-valve amplifiers
from the award-winning JVM Series. Designed to
complement the versatility, tone and power of the JVM410H
and JVM410C, these new additions broaden the range
without compromising the flexibility and sonic spectrum that
has made its bigger brothers a universal success story.
From the inception of the JVM Series, its goal has been to
provide the modern guitarist with “an amp for all seasons”,
delivering crystal clean notes through heavy crunch and on
to the brutal gain expected of a Marshall, and all from one
amp! When it comes to the two channel versions we find all
the qualities and grandiose of the JVM4 focussed and
streamlined into one incredible piece of professional kit.
Along with two new 100 Watt amplifiers in the shape of the JVM210H
head unit and the JVM210Ccombo, the series now serves the guitarists
who prefer the sound and colourdelivered by 50 Watts of power. The
JVM205H,JVM205C and the JVM215C bolsterthe range with a50 Watt
head plus double andsingle speakercombos respectively. The result is
the most comprehensive range of amplifiers in Marshall's illustrious
46 year history.
Equippedwiththe same groundbreaking technology as found in the
JVM4 channel, the JVM2 Series comes loaded withan impressive array
of features. Contained within the amp is a studio quality Reverb
specifically developedfor the JVM,two Effects Loops to further enhance
your sound and separate presence/resonance controls to shape the tone
of your playing.All this, not tomention the dual Master Volume controls,
MIDI switching and the unique patent-pending technology found in the
JVM2's 4-wayfootswitch, is wherethe JVM comes into it’sown. This fully
programmable unit not only connects via a standard guitar lead, it also
allows single front panel switching or whole amplifier configurations to be
stored inits memory.Essentially, this enables the guitarist to eithercall
upon individual featuressuchas Channel/Mode, Reverband
Effects Loop as and when neededor recall a collection of JVM front
panel options atthe stomp ofthe foot. The multi-coloured LED’s housed
in the footswitch indicate the status of each channel and mode, a real
godsend whether rehearsing in the bedroom or rocking out to the
masses on a dimly lit stage.
Every JVM2 is produced at theMarshall factory in Englandusing tried and
tested construction techniques coupledwith thelatest technology.Every
amplifierchassis and combo speakerisloaded into strong, durable
cabinets made from thefinest raw materials and finished to thehighest
standard. Both the JVM210Cand JVM205C combo are fitted with a
combinationof Celestion Heritage andVintage speakers to achievean
amazingdepth of tone.The JVM215C comes with a 12”Celestion G12B
speakerthat deliversexactly what the amp, and you, expect from it.
From leftto right:
1960A Cab
1960A Cab
1960B Cab
Head ✓✓No No No
Combo No No
Output(RMS) 100Watt 50Watt 100Watt 50Watt 50Watt
Speakers No No 1xVintage,1xHeritage 1xVintage,1xHeritage 1xG12B
Pre-ampValves 4xECC83 4xECC83 4xECC83 4xECC83 4xECC83
PowerAmpValves 1xECC83,4xEL34 1xECC83,2xEL34 1xECC83,4xEL34 1xECC83,2xEL34 1xECC83,2xEL34
Footswitch(supplied) PEDL-00045 PEDL-00045 PEDL-00045 PEDL-00045 PEDL-00045
Dimensions(mm) 750x310x215 750x310x215 690x510x265 690x510x265 605x510x265
Weight(kg) 22 17.5 34.5 29.5 26.5
Modes of Tone
The JVM4 channelamplifiersare synonymous
with versatility and flexibility thanks to the three
modes assigned to each channel, and the JVM2
range is noexception. Both channels –
Clean/Crunch and Overdrive – have green,
orange and red modes, each one creating a
unique, yet complimentary, tone to the previous.
This means that a total of six bespoke sounds
can be called upon at any one time from the
intuitive footswitch. From a bright, cleanand
honest tone produced fromthe Clean/Crunch
channel in green mode, through to the
thunderous, uncompromising distortion
unleashed through the red moded Overdrive
channel, thesonic scope of the JVM2 is
astounding. This truly isthe evolutionof guitar
Joe Hoare