MarshallAmplificationProductCatalogue 47
Jerry Horton
Rack Power-Amp Products
46 MarshallAmplificationProductCatalogue
Nothing beats the musical roar of a British valve power
amp – and nothing roars with more tuneful power than a
Our expertise in making full use of the tonality offered by
valves has led to our valve-driven power amps becoming
revered by musicians the world over and as a result all
three models in our power amp range will breathe new
life back into the sound of your rack.
EL84 20/20 Valve Power Amp
For the player who wants portability coupled with great Marshall
valve tone, we offer the EL84 20/20. This compact, single space,
rack-mountable power amp packs 20 Watts + 20 Watts of Marshall
valve power. Its quartet of EL84 power valves offers impressive clean
headroom, in addition to the magnificent overdriven tones it exudes.
A unique Deep switch brings in state-of-the-art, resonance circuitry
which works with the speaker cabinet(s) being driven and results in a
tight, low-end boost which can’t be mimicked via pre-amp EQ. The unit’s
Presence control and Line Level outputs add further to the flexibility of
the EL84 20/20’s superb natural tone. Surprisingly loud, the fan-cooled
EL84 20/20 is ideal for both studio and live work where valve-driven,
harmonically rich tone is a must.
EL34 50/50 & EL34 100/100 Valve Power Amp
Marshall 50 Watt and 100 Watt, EL34-driven, valve power stages are,
in the minds of many, the ‘industry standard’. As soon as you hear
our EL34 50/50 (50 Watt + 50 Watt) and EL34 100/100 (100 Watt +
100 Watt) valve power amps, you will immediately understand why.
Both of these eye-catching units are packed to the brim with
Marshall valve tone. Just like expensive hi-fi amps, both the EL34
50/50 and EL34 100/100 are Dual MonoBloc amplifiers – meaning
that each side (channel) of the stereo amplifier operates as a
completely independent unit.
Each channel features its own Gain and Presence controls and our
highly specialised ‘True Differential Inverter’ circuitry, ensures that the
maximum integrity and pureness of their valve tone is maintained at
all times. Each channel also boasts a remotely switchable ‘Voice’
switch which takes you from ‘traditional’ (Voice A) to ‘modern’
(Voice B) and will allow you to cut through any mix. The EL34 50/50
and EL34 100/100 – professional, all-valve power amps that sound
as good as they look!
From topto bottom:
FEATURES EL8420/20 EL34 50/50 EL34 100/100
Output(RMS) 20+20Watt 50+50Watt 100+100Watt
VolumeControl 1xStereo 1perChannel 1perChannel
PresenceControl 1xStereo 1perChannel 1perChannel
VoicingOptions Resonance A/B A/B
RemoteResonanceSwitching ✓ No No
RemoteA/BSwitching No ✓✓
ImpedanceSelection ✓✓✓
LineLevelOutput ✓ No No
LinkOutput No ✓✓
PowerAmpValves 4xEL84 4xEL34 8xEL34
Pre-Drives 1xECC82 2xECC83 2xECC83
PhaseInverters 2xECC83 2xECC81 2xECC81
Footswitch(notsupplied) PEDL-10008 PEDL-10008 PEDL-10008
Dimensions(mm) (270mmDeep) (330mmDeep) (330mmDeep)
1URack 3URack 3URack
Weight(kg) 5 19 20.5
Phil Campbell