
Jimi Hendrix
Super 100JH Head
MarshallAmplificationProductCatalogue 29
100JH Jimi Hendrix Amplifier
Super 100JHLimited Edition Head
1982AJH/1982BJH Cabs
28 MarshallAmplificationProductCatalogue
“Jimi Hendrix was my greatest ambassador without any
doubt at all,” states the Guv’nor, Jim Marshall. “In my
book his playing is still the best ever and his showmanship
was fantastic. I can still remember him scaring the living
daylights out of all the big name English guitarists
because they’d never seen or heard anything like Jimi
no one had.”
Super 100JH Head
In close conjunction with AuthenticHendrix, the family company
established by Jimi’s father, the late James Al Hendrix, and after many
months of painstaking research,we are proud to announce the limited
edition,handwired ‘Super100JH’ 100 Watt stack. This is thelatest
additionto our ongoing series of handwired re-issues.It celebrates the
40th Anniversary of ourworld famous association with the late, great
Jimi Hendrixand pays homage to the legendary guitarist.
“Anyone who truly knew Jimi was well aware of how seriously he took his
instruments and equipment,”states Janie Hendrix, the President/CEOof
Authentic Hendrix. “To achievethe sound he heard playing inside, he
had to have the right tools.Gauging from his performances, he clearly
embracedMarshall amps. We too, embrace Marshall because it allowed
us to hearJimias we never would have before, with the truest sound and
most feeling. We are happy to see the past reborn in the form of this
Jimi Hendrixamp stack. It isour pleasure to partner with Marshall
Amplificationin giving volume to the legacy of Jimi.”
After hearing and then playingthrough a Marshall stack for the first time
while in London during the Autumn of 1966,JimiHendrix wantedto meet
the man who created these amplifiers and coincidentallyshared his first
and middle names– James Marshall!Thus, in October of that year,the
guitarist visitedJim’s shop in Hanwelland a lasting friendship and
association was immediatelystruck. “Despite his somewhat wild
appearance and his incredible, larger-than-life on-stage persona, Jimi
was avery softly spoken and extremely polite young man with afantastic
sense of humour,” Dr Marshall recalls.“We hit it off rightaway and
became good friends.” On leaving Jim’s shop, Jimi had secured an order
for his 100 Watt Marshall stacks and, as the saying goes, the rest ofthe
story is now history. . .
“MeetingJim was beyond groovy for me,” Jimi was quoted as saying
about his visit to the Marshall shop in Hanwell. “It was such a relief to talk
to someone who knowsand cares about sound. Jim really listened to me
and answered a lot of questions. I love my Marshall amps: I am nothing
without them!”
The Jimi Hendrixstack consists of the Super 100JH head,the angled
1982AJH 4x12and the extra-tall,straight-fronted 1982BJH 4x12
cabinets. The originalversions of this iconic, tall, pinstriped stack were
built in 1966 and the Super 100 head was the immediatesuccessorto
Marshall’s first ever 100 Watt head – the famous dual output transformer
Extensive research and discussions with technicians and roadies of the
period has indicated that Hendrix’s Super 100 Marshall heads were
completely stock except for tonal enhancements requestedby Jimi
himself.Slight circuit modifications in our main reference’stonestack
support this. The limited editionSuper 100JH head is a meticulous and
totally authentichandwired re-issue of theseheads, complete with the
aforementioned modification which adds slightly more treble and bass.
The Super 100JH is an extremelystraightforward amplifier. Its two
channels –High Treble and Normal – eachhave twoinputs (High and
Low sensitivity) and separate Loudness (Volume) controls. Both channels
sharethe amplifier’s four tone controls: Treble, Middle,Bassand
Presence. It contains three ECC83 (12AX7) valves in the pre-amp and a
quartet ofKT66valves in the power amp, the latter being standard issue
in mid-sixties Marshall Amplifiers. The all-important transformers are built
by the original manufacturer Drake.
The Super 100JH stack’stwo 4x12speaker cabinets – the angled
1982AJH and straight 1982BJH – have been reintroduced to complete
the majesticlook of the original pinstriped stacks that Jimiused. The
1982BJH is nearly 7taller than a standard Marshall 4x12, adding
further to the impressive look of the stack. Both JH cabs are loaded with
SpeakerConfiguration 4x12 4x12
Power(RMS) 100Watt 100Watt
Impedance 16Ohm 16Ohm
Dimensions(mm) 754x741x355 754x914x355
Weight(kg) 36.4 41.5
Output(RMS) 100Watt
Channels 2
Pre-AmpValves 3xECC83
PowerAmpValves 4xKT66
Dimensions(mm) 741x270x210
Weight(kg) 22
Celestion G12C 25 Watt speakers, which havebeenspeciallydeveloped
by Marshall and Celestion to duplicatethe sound of theoriginal speakers
found in authentic reference cabinets from that era.
A limited run of 600 Super 100JH Jimi Hendrix stacks will be available
worldwide. Each head is individually numbered and comes withan
exclusive certificate, personally signedby Dr Jim Marshall OBE. The
certificate andhandbook will come housed in a unique presentation
folder. Also included area full set of heavy duty ‘script logo’ dust covers.
Each head and cabinet setbears the official Authentic Hendrix logo.