MarshallAmplificationProductCatalogue 21
Sean Martin
JCM2000 TSL Amplifiers
TSL100 Head
TSL122 Combo
20 MarshallAmplificationProductCatalogue
When we launched the DSL100 in the late ’90s, the world’s
guitar press unanimously hailed it as ‘the best Marshall
ever’. As a result of this, the pressure was truly on when
we introduced the next two members of the JCM2000
family, the 100 Watt, Triple Super Lead (TSL) twins:
the TSL100 head and TSL122 2x12" combo.
How did the critics react? ‘It does everything my old
Marshalls do and more .. .the TSL is far more versatile
than any other valve Marshall out there, and offers many
ways to “tweak” your tone. The TSL100 has taken the lead
as the best sounding Marshall amp available today.
Marshall’s sound engineers have outdone themselves this
time. It’ll be tough for them to top this one,’ is how
Guitar Shop magazine put it. We’re delighted to report that
this rave review was the global norm.
TSL100 Head & TSL122 Combo
What makes the TSL100 and TSL122 so special? Great tone combined
with a myriad of mouth-watering facilities that make them incredibly
The Triple Super Lead’s three completely independent,footswitchable
channels (Clean, Crunch and Lead) effectively give you three different
classic amps in one casing. Each channel has its own controlsfor Gain,
Volume, Treble, Middle and Bass. The Clean channel also has aMid
Boost switch, while the Crunchand Lead channelseachhavetheir own
Tone Shift switches that ‘scoop’ out the mids.
When it comes to how these 100 Watters sound, Tom Beaujour put it like
this in hisreviewfor Guitar World magazine:‘The Clean channel’s
smooth, elastic tone was a welcome surprise . . . with the Mid Boost
engaged it was easy to conjure the warm sparkle of an old F*nder twin.
‘Cranking the gain on the Clean channel yielded biting Hendrixian tones.
The TSL100’s Crunch channel lived up to my expectation and proved
stunningly malleable too. For those who live for gain galore, the TSL’s
lead channel delivers singing sustain and filthy grunge, and with the aid
of the well-voiced tone controls, it’s easy to sculpt an almost infinite array
of tones.’
The TSL100 and TSL122 both boast the same valve configurationof
4 x EL34 output valves and 4 xECC83 pre-amp valves.They also share
the following features:
• Footswitchable Accutronics Spring Reverb with dualcontrols
(one for Clean, one for Crunch/Lead).
• Individual Presence controlsand Deepswitches for Clean and
Crunch/Lead channels.
• Two Parallel FXLoops (footswitchable).
• XLR DI output featuring Marshall’s acclaimed speaker emulation,
allowing direct connection to recording or PA mixing desks without the
need for microphones or DI boxes.
• A Power Amp Mute facility for silent recording via the built-in DI.
• A ruggedly built, 5-wayLED footcontroller that gives youthe ability to
switch between the three individual channels, plus switch the Reverb
and FX Loops on/off.
• An innovative Virtual Power Reduction (VPR) switch which, when
engaged,emulates the sound and feel of a 25 Watt valve power amp.
VPR was described in Guitar World magazine by TomBeaujour as
follows: ‘The usefulness of the VPR feature cannot be over estimated.
Beyond allowing you to avoid nasty eviction notices, it will make you the
best friend of every soundman in the world.’
Speaker Talk
To maximise its alreadysuperior sonicpowers, the TSL122, 2x12" combo
has been fittedwithtwo different 12" speaker types– a Marshall/Celestion
Vintage and aMarshall/Celestion Heritage. By combining the unique
characteristics of this pairing, optimum tone and performance is ensured.
A 2x12" extension cabinetfor the TSL122, the TSLC212, is also available.
This 16 Ohm cabinet features the exact same speaker combination to
make it theperfect match for the combo, bothsonicallyand visually.
Head ✓ No
Combo No ✓
Output(RMS) 100Watt 100Watt
Channels 33
IndependentToneNetworksperCh. ✓✓
MidBoostonCleanChannel ✓✓
DeepSwitches(Clean&Crunch/Lead) ✓✓
ToneShiftSwitches(Crunch&Lead) ✓ ✓
VirtualPowerReduction ✓✓
OutputMute ✓✓
SpringReverbwithDualControls ✓✓
EmulatedLineOut ✓✓
TwoFootswitchableFXLoops ✓✓
FXMixControls ✓✓
Pre-AmpValves 4xECC83 4xECC83
PowerAmpValves 4xEL34 4xEL34
5-WayLEDFootcontroller(supplied) PEDL-10021 PEDL-10021
Dimensions(mm) 750x310x215 690x510x265
Weight(kg) 22.5 30.5
Speakers No ✓(x2)
From leftto right:
TSL122 Combo
TSL100 Head
1960A Cab
1960B Cab
Philip Sneed
(Story of theYear)
SpeakerConfiguration 2x12”
Power(RMS) 150Watt
Impedance 16Ohm
Dimensions(mm) 673x478x260
Weight(kg) 24