Chapter 7 Creating and Distributing Standalone Executables and DLLs
National Instruments Corporation 7-3 LabWindows/CVI Programmer Reference Manual
Distributing Standalone Executables under Solaris 2
To use the System V software packaging utility pkgmk to distribute executable programs
under Solaris 2, complete the following steps.
1. If your program loads .
uir files with LoadPanel or loads external modules with
LoadExternalModule, use caution when you specify the filenames in calls to these
functions. If you use a relative path, the path is relative to the directory that contains
the executable. Refer to the Location of Files on the Target Machine for Running
Executables and DLLs section later in this chapter for more information.
2. Create a directory to contain your executable program and associated files. Structure the
directory exactly as you want it to appear after installation. Test your program by running
it from that directory.
3. From the directory that contains your executable program and associated files, execute
makepkg shell script in the misc/bin directory of the LabWindows/CVI installation
directory to create a distribution package. The script requires the following information
to build the package:
• Abbreviated package name that can have up to nine characters in the form
• Text name for the package
• Default installation base directory on the user’s machine
• Directory to place the build package
The script requests the following information, which is optional:
• Company or vendor name for the package
• Name and path to a copyright notice file for the package
• Relative path and executable name to create as a symbolic link
4. The
makepkg script creates the following files and directory structure. In the following
stands for the name of your application package.
contents of application directory
You can now place the
directory and its contents onto your distribution media.
5. To run your executable, you must have the LabWindows/CVI Run-time Engine. You can
build the package for the LabWindows/CVI Run-time Engine by executing
located in the misc/bin directory of the LabWindows/CVI installation directory. The
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