LabWindows/CVI Programmer Reference Manual I-8
National Instruments Corporation
other types of files, 7-19
source files, 7-18
locking process segments into memory using
plock(), 5-7
long doubles, Windows 32-bit DLLs, 3-7
low-level I/O functions, using, 1-5
low-level support driver, used by Run-time
Engine, 7-10 to 7-11
macros, predefined, 6-1
manual. See documentation.
math coprocessor software emulation for
Windows 3.1, 7-2
memory protection errors
memory corruption (fatal), 1-11
memory deallocation (non-fatal), 1-11
message file for Run-time Engine
translating, 7-5
Windows 95/NT, 7-11
messages passed from DLLs. See Windows
messages passed from DLLs.
Microsoft Visual Basic, automatic inclusion of
Type Library resource for, 3-24 to 3-25
Microsoft Visual C/C++
creating 16-bit Windows DLLs,
4-21 to 4-22
creating object and library files, 3-18
default library directives, 3-16
minimum system requirements for standalone
executables, 7-1 to 7-2
missing return value (non-fatal) error, 1-11
modini program (caution), 8-2, 8-3
modreg program (caution), 8-2, 8-3
multiplatform applications, building
externally compiled module issues, 6-3
library portability issues, 6-1 to 6-2
predefined macros, 6-1
programming guidelines, 6-1 to 6-3
user interface guidelines, 6-3
creating multiple threads with Windows
SDK functions, 3-27
using LabWindows/CVI libraries, 3-8
_NI_mswin_ macro, 6-1
_NI_mswin16_ macro, 6-1
_NI_mswin32_ macro
multiplatform programming, 6-1
required for external compilers, 3-8
_NI_sparc_ macro, 6-1
_NI_unix_ macro, 6-1
.o files
loading with LoadExternalModule, 7-14
using with standalone executables, 7-9
object files
compatibility with external compilers
(Windows 95/NT), 3-5
in external compilers for use in
LabWindows/CVI, 3-18 to 3-19
in LabWindows/CVI, 3-26
loading with LoadExternalModule, 7-14
using with standalone executables, 7-9
Options menu
Function Tree Editor, Generate Windows
Help command, 3-25
Project window
Compiler Defines command,
1-2, 3-27
Compiler Options command, 1-2
Include Paths command, 1-17, 3-28
Instrument Directories
command, 8-2
Run Options command, 1-8,
1-12, 1-16
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